Hi all I am new to this and have not yet had a diagnosis so till waiting to see rheumatology...
For the past two years i have very frequent tiredness and aches and pains not usual for a 38 year old mother of 2... been to the drs a few times with this as my mother says this is not normal the Dr had tested me for thyroid, cealiac both normal..
I had an episod of the flu last month and since it i have developed vasculitis on my lower legs tummy and elbows.. blood work was carried out and ESR was raised slightly and i had positive doubled ds DNA..
so was referred to rheumatology query lupus...
2 year history of tiredness
Aches and pains
Muscle weakness
Positive double ds DNA
Vasculitis- lower limbs, elbows
Can any advise or have had similar experience..