Beauty Cutie: Hello everybodySorry that 'cutie pics... - LUPUS UK


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Beauty Cutie

misty14 profile image
30 Replies

Hello everybodySorry that 'cutie pics' has been away this month but it had covid and had to rest. Luckily, it was a mild flu-like illness but as always for us it ramps up the aches and fatigue doesn't it?. Very grateful for the vaccines making it a milder illness as i'd always dreaded getting it!.

So, we're back and i hope you like this beautiful pic as i do of the cygnet nestled near Mum. I 've also collected some great, new ones that i hope will help us thru winter.

I hope you've all been enjoying the lovely warm sunshine, safely and are as well as possible.


P.s my foot is improving slowly. Can walk further until the pain starts. Lovely not feeling the nerve.

I had to postpone my leg injections as my bp went very low and i gathered post covid this can happen so take care. Will get another date shortly. Xx

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misty14 profile image
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30 Replies
Tiggywoos profile image

Misty that is such a gorgeous pic ! Did you see bbc 1 this morning I think it was country file ? They were going through all the pics for the new calender . I loved the one of the red squirrel 🐿️ well loved all of them really . Worth a watch back on catch up .

So sorry about your Covid but you raise a really good point thank goodness for vaccinations. I think the new one is out this month . Keep doing your bits of walking 🚶‍♂️ remembering the fine line between pain and discomfort is a difficult one to recognise sometimes . Sending you big hug 🤗 xxx

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to Tiggywoos

So pleased tiggy that you liked the pic. I saw Countryfile and some incredible pictures aren't they?. I try and choose the one for the front page of the Calendar as well. Its amazing how it still raises so much money for Children in Need. I'm so sorry your having such a hard time getting treatment and a diagnosis. I really do feel for you and wish i could wave my 🪄 to help. Not having a positive ANA makes it so much HARDER as these immuno-suppressive drugs are risky due to side effects. Rheumy's have to be sure RISKS outweigh benefits.

TAKE CARE and i hope you have a better week. I admire how much you keep going under such a strain of debilitating symptoms. Xx🦢💕🦋💐🤞🦢

GloomyEeyore profile image

That pic is adorable 🥰 There is a park with a pond not far from me that has two swans. This year they have five cygnets. Haven’t seen them in person but a friend shares a lot of photos.

I’m sorry to hear you had Covid. Thankfully you got a fairly mild dose. I have had it twice. Wasn’t too bad but as you say it heightens the pain and fatigue caused by the autoimmune. I have been diagnosed with long Covid which I hope does not happen to you.

Good news about your foot! You will have to be careful not to overdo it.

Take care 🦢

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to GloomyEeyore

Thank you ge for your lovely message. I'm so glad you liked the pic. I've suddenly realised that a swan is perfect for us lupies/auto-immune because we can look so well and serene on the outside but be paddling furiously underwater trying to cope with symptoms ,consultants and our lives!!. Thats tough you can't get to see those local, beautiful swans but lovely that your friend sends you photos. I love the baby cygnets, swans are so protective of them.

I"m so sorry you had covid twice ge and are still suffering from long covid!!. I do hope your breathing improves as it's been a long time now. I'm very grateful i had a mild illness and hope i don't get long covid. Its so debillitating for you all. The added fatigue and muscle pain isn't easy to live with but its helping me be careful with my foot and not to overdo it.

I do hope your health improves soon . TAKE CARE. Xx🦢💕🦢🤞🦢💕🦢🤞🦢💕

weathervane profile image

Hi misty, another lovely cutie pic , I love seeing a swan sailing along the river near us. My big son is not a fan though, he was chase by one as a child and is convinced they have teeth 😁.

Sorry to hear you have had covid , so miserable especially when you have aches and pains as well . Good news though that you are walking a bit better, 🙏🏼 it will keep continuing to improve.

Take care getting up and down if your bp is low .

I had a steroid injection in my hip last week, because of bursitis, im hoping it will help me walk a bit better as well, also referred to physio again so 🤞🏻.

Take care xxx❤️🥰🤗🤗

Pumpkin2009 profile image
Pumpkin2009 in reply to weathervane

HI Misty! Love the pic. We had 4 swans in the lake in front of our house for a while. I just loved seeing them gracefully glide. I am so sorry you got Covid. But very glad your foot is doing somewhat better. Looking forward to future pics. Take good care of yourself.

Healing hugs coming your way!

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to Pumpkin2009

Thanx pumpkin so much for your lovely message. I hope your health is a lot better too . I'm so glad you liked the pic of the beautiful swan and her baby. Wonderful you have a lake in front of your house and have had 4 swans on there. They do sum up well how we deal with our illnesses!. Sending lots of healing hugs to you too. Take care. Xx🦢💕🦢🤞🦢💕🦢🤞🦢💕

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to weathervane

Thank you weathervane for your lovely reply. So glad you liked the swan pic and see one near where you live too. Its interesting how what happens to us in childhood stays with us. Your big son not liking swans as he was chased. Maybe she was protecting her young and it would be scary for him. I was attacked by a dog when young and been so wary of them since.Bursitis is very painful weathervane. 🤞you get a good outcome with the steroid injection. I was so lucky mine went after a few of them. Hope you don't wait too long for physio.

I was very relieved and grateful that covid was so mild. Hoping my leg injections are re-scheduled soon.

Can you believe the Strictly Launch Show will be on soon?. What did you think about all the bad publicity over the summer?. Take care and look after that hip. Xx🦢💕

weathervane profile image
weathervane in reply to misty14

A friends daughter had the same problem with dogs , she was chased by one as a child and was terrified of dogs . She got married and husband had a dog which she now adores!!!

We have had an invasion from a creature in our garden, it has dug a series of holes in a line up the garden last night. We don’t have moles here so i can only imagine its a fox or a badger. It’s never happened before, though we have seen a fox before. Its as well we are not too garden proud as its made quite a mess 🕳️ 🕳️🕳️!!

Im in two minds about strictly as the complaints about bullying is a bit disturbing and very disappointing, how do you feel about it ?

Take care and 🙏🏼🙏🏼you will get your leg injections soon, there will be no stopping you then 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻xxx 🦊 🦡 🦔🐕( the suspects)

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to weathervane

How strange Weathervane, how big are the holes?. I wouldn't have thought it was a hedgehog, not sure they dig. It is annoying when you want your garden to look nice. Hope it stops soon. Yes, i'm in two minds too about Strictly because it feels like we've been conned all these years. Its a shame as its their special 20 year anniversary and Amy Dowden is back after cancer treatment. The wintry weather may decide me if i need cheering up with the sparkles etc.

I'm going to have to chase my pain dept for injection date as not heard yet!!. Keeping 🤞for your hip. Take care. Xx💃💕💃🤞🦢💕🦢🙏🌺🍀

weathervane profile image
weathervane in reply to misty14

There are several small holes about an inch across and two larger ones 3 inches across and 3 deep , it probably is a fox . If it happens again im going to borrow a cat cam for a while to see if i can find out for sure .

Im not sure if I will be be able to resist watching strictly as I do love it 💃🕺.

Good luck with finding out injection dates 🤞🏻, my hip is definitely not a painful hopefully will keep on improving.

Take care 🥰🦊🦔🐕🦡🦆🦘

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to weathervane

Thats a really good idea weathervane to borrow a cat cam. It would be good to find out for sure whose hole digging. Could well be a fox, mole or badger!!. I'm not sure how the new chaperones will work on Strictly whether it will affect the program in anyway?. I"m just like you, i love it so much and besides we ought to see for ourselves what its like!!. A lot of the publicity may be inaccurate!!.

I've just heard from the Pain Clinic that they want my bp readings to see if there's improvement . I"m provisionally booked in for 26/9. 🤞they will be ok. Just done 1 and its better than the 12th!!.

So glad you've got hip improvement. Take care not to overdo it like i did. Its easy to get carried away with the help!. Take care Xx🦢💕🦢🤞🦢🙏🦢

weathervane profile image
weathervane in reply to misty14

No sign of any animal visitors last night, if it happens again i will borrow the cat cam .I had forgotten about the chaperones on strictly, it will be interesting to see how that works.

Brilliant news about your injection date, it’s good to get the date for your diary.

Take care xx🦊🦊❤️

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to weathervane

Thanx weathervane, i'll keep my 🤞that 'invader cam' won't be needed. I've heard from the Pain clinic that 23/9 is my confirmed date subject to bp being better. Today it was but must take it again round the date in case very low again.

Tomorrow is shingles jab and bloods. Keeps us busy doesn't it?.

Have a lovely weekend. Xx🦢💕🦢🤞

weathervane profile image
weathervane in reply to misty14

Good luck tomorrow, hope it all goes straight forward for you xxx🤞🏻❤️🥰

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to weathervane

Thanx so much weathervane. Just had the jab and i've got a headache and muscle pain but been told it shouldn't last too long. 🤞 They're the most common side effects. Second jab is in 8 weeks time. Good to do it. Any sightings ?.. Xx🦢💕🦢🦔💕🦊🤞

weathervane profile image
weathervane in reply to misty14

I’m glad you got the vaccine ok , hopefully no more side effects 🤞🏻

we haven’t had any more sightings of our visitor but keeping a good look out in case it returns.

Take care 🥰🦊❤️xxx

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to weathervane

In case you don't know weathervane, Strictly starts this Sat 14th/9. Would like to see who's doing it!. Have you had any weekend visitors?. Have a good week. Xx💃💕💃🤞💕

weathervane profile image
weathervane in reply to misty14

Well have had no more night visitors, thank goodness, my husband managed to get the hole fixed so it looks ok . I was wondering if it could have been a fox with cubs , will probably never know 🤷‍♀️.

I'm getting second half of rituximab on Friday so if it anything like the last one I will be laid up over the weekend, so more than I will be on the sofa / or bed watching strictly on Saturday . 🤞🏻this series will go ok with no problems or complaints.

Hope you’ve recovered from the vaccine, take care xxxx🥰🤗❤️

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to weathervane

Yes, weathervane it could well have been foxes. I'm glad you didn't get anymore visits and your husbsnd has been able to plug the hole. GOOD LUCK for friday, i hope it goes well and you enjoy your Strictly treat at the weekend. Its interesting here as there's been much less publicity for the Launch Show!!. Have you noticed a difference?. Its sad if its changed too much as its their 20 year Anniversary. Can't believe that either!!.

I'm improving slowly after the jab thanx for asking. TAKE CARE and i"ll be thinking of you. Xx💃💕💃🤞💃💕

weathervane profile image
weathervane in reply to misty14

I can’t believe it’s 20years !!!! There hasn’t been a lot of advertising about it , seem to have just started this week. It is a shame about the complaints about bullying, it would have been interesting to have been fly on the wall to watch what is alleged to have happened.

Take care , I will be taking it easy for a few days, I have a new phone upgrade so I will be playing with it 😂xx❤️😍

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to weathervane

Do hope weathervane, you got your treatment ok today. It will be interesting to see it with the chaperones, so yes i'd love to be a fly on the wall. I've wondered how it will work. I can't believe 20 years either Weathervane. Where does it go?. Later in the summer Amanda Abbington suddenly slightly changed her story by saying Gio wasn't horrible all the time!!. It makes you wonder!!. I just hope he's exonerated as i've always liked and admired him. I've been reliably informed he's joined Italy's version called' Dancing with the Stars' so its our loss and Italy's gain. I hope we like the new dancers.

Perfect time to play with your new phone while resting. Hope you like it. Take care. Xx💃💕💃🙏💕💃💕🤞💕

KayHimm profile image

Such a beauty with her adorable little swan! Warms the ❤️.

Thank you.

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to KayHimm

So glad you liked it too kay. It warmed my ❤️ too. GOOD LUCK this week. Xx

svfarmer profile image

hi Misty - have missed the cutie pics but sorry you’ve had Covid - hope your feeling all better now and so pleased you don’t feel the nerve in your foot any more / big hugs 🤗🤗❤️

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to svfarmer

Thanx so much svfarmer, lovely to be missed. I've collected some lovely ones for the winter so keep looking. I do hope you've had better health , are not in hospital and life's been kinder .Its wonderful not feeling the jumpy nerve and i can walk further without pain in my foot before it comes on. Hopefully that will get better and better. 🤞. The op is a longer one for recovery!!.

Just doing bp checks as could have leg injections on 26/9 and really will have less pain then!!. I won't know myself as I've had to live with so much.

Do hope the furs are looking after you well . TAKE CARE. Xx🦢💕🦢🤞🦢💕🦢🤞🦢

Looplylady profile image

Keep up with your beautiful pictures it makes my day.😎

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to Looplylady

Thank you so much looplylady , i'm so pleased they do. That's made my day as i love doing them!!. I hope your not suffering too much with the lupus. Take Care, Xx🦢💕🦢🤞🦢💕🦢

Looplylady profile image

Lupus makes all swans calm on the outside & paddling the water to stay safe underneath

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to Looplylady

Definitely looply lady. Xx💕🦢💕

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