Hello. Does anyone have advice on the use of estriol cream for vaginal atrophy. Also whilst seeing the urologists they have advised that I should not worry about the fact that I have both maternal and paternal grandmothers and maternal aunts who had breast cancer. Also they've changed medication to Hiprex 1gm twice daily from nitrofurantoin 50mg (prophylaxis treatment)
Also changed to solifenacin 5mg from mirabegron 50mg.
There's quite a few side effects I am having from changes and some of the contraindications are a bit worrying. For example, having SLE , my mam also suffered with thrombosis on a few occasions. The breast cancer which I mentioned above. I have a hiatus hernia which is also mentioned on the information leaflet. The CRPS is also stage 3 and worried about any more damage to nerves etc.
All in all I'm very stressed about the whole thing. Want to take meds to help me but I'm really concerned about what it's all doing to my body!!
Very tired and weepy. 😢😞
Any advice welcome. Thank you