Advice after possible Covid: Hi all, I've been... - LUPUS UK


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Advice after possible Covid

Treetop33 profile image
30 Replies

Hi all,

I've been horribly ill with what is probably Covid (no positive LFT test but typical weird breathlessness, fluid lungs, fatigue, dizziness and all the rest).

However, three weeks later and a course of antibiotics, and I'm still feeling rotten - massive fatigue, pains everywhere, dizziness and a cough that comes and goes. I had a weird return of inner knee pain which nearly caused my leg to buckle underneath me - I've not had that since I was diagnosed seven years ago. So disappointing given how mostly well I was feeling before getting this virus.

I'll probably try and see a doc before Xmas, but does anyone have a recommendation for 'must do' things people with Lupus can do to try and help ourselves. For example, one thing I heard was that Covid depletes our iron levels. I heard somewhere VitB3 helps too.


UPDATE: My GP surgery suggested I probably did have Covid and I've been diagnosed with asthma, which was a surprise, and this morning had hives from an allergic reaction to something (who knows what - I ate a cheese sandwich). Covid, the gift that keeps on giving.

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Treetop33 profile image
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30 Replies
Betty909090 profile image

”…what is probably Covid (no positive LFT test ..”?🥹

How can you be sure it’s covid? 🧐


and a course of antibiotics, and I'm still feeling rotten - massive fatigue…”🥹

Antibiotics are totally ineffective against all viruses.👆

You may need a specific ANTIVIRAL after a specific test!

Treetop33 profile image
Treetop33 in reply to Betty909090

I said 'probably Covid' based on symptoms (and a doctor concurred). Antibiotics proscribed by doctor based on symptoms, and they worked to get rid of the bacterial infection.

Please don't feel the need to reply if you just want to misconstrue what I've said and not answer the actual thing I asked about.

Loopyru profile image
Loopyru in reply to Treetop33

Hope you’re feeling better soon. Take care

StriatedCaracara profile image

I could tell when I had covid in March 2020, there were no tests available, but doctors confirmed based on symptoms.

Here is the story I wrote, and you will find others, all from early in the pandemic, nearby.

I had POTS and arthritis previously, put these sorts of symptoms were worsened and what I thought was long covid was probably a flare.

From tests afterwards I think my vitamin D levels were low when I caught covid which might have made things worse.

There are other stories nearby, plenty with bad joint pain:

There is also a resources section:

Maybe ask your GP to do a full blood count, vitamin D check and other tests that might help.

(Sometimes viral infectuons can result in secondary bacterial infections afterwards, hence the antibiotic which in some instances may be given as a prophylactic to prevent say a bacterial chest infection.)

Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for sharing. Take care.

Treetop33 profile image
Treetop33 in reply to StriatedCaracara

Thank you so much for these resources. I read Katherine's story just now and the symptoms absolutely resonate (and which I remember from the first time around). It is awful and there's so much denial it can feel very isolating.

StriatedCaracara profile image
StriatedCaracara in reply to Treetop33

I relate to that too. The feeling isolation 🙂

I'm not sure whether we can just rely on test kits.

Eg Sometimes people don't test positive until Day 4.

Possibly they are not capturing new strains so well.

Having test kits to check is the best we can do, but we have to go by our instincts too, to stop the spread of covid.

That is my feeling at the moment.

Can tell from here that there are more cases, and we have 'Christmas mixing' now too.

And then there are the new cold viruses too, we have not built up our immunity to.🦠🤧



"Stay safe"😷 🏡

RachelD1972 profile image

Hi, if you have Lupus go and get yourself checked out by a GP and get bloods done. I had Covid 9 weeks ago, had anti virals and then two lots of antibiotics. It’s played havoc with my blood levels. Currently taking metatone to try and perk myself up & restarting immune suppressants tomorrow. There are also some really nasty viruses going around at the moment. Rest up and pace yourself if you can. Hope you feel better soon.

Treetop33 profile image
Treetop33 in reply to RachelD1972

Thank you. I have never heard of metatone before!

Spandau profile image

Hi, I tested positive for Covid 3 weeks ago and had antivirals for 5 days and 3 weeks on I am still feeling pretty rough. Very tired and aches and pains and what feels like a head cold (which it may be and I could have caught a cold after Covid?) cough, and congested chest.

I am trying to rest when I can, drink lots, eat healthily and do some gentle exercise and hope it improves over the next couple of weeks.

I hope you feel better soon but it’s always worth going back to the GP and asking for additional tests if you still feel so poorly.

Treetop33 profile image
Treetop33 in reply to Spandau

I may do, thanks for replying.

AgedCrone profile image

Who prescribed the antibiotic?

If you do/did have Covid ……antibiotics are only prescribed for bacterial infections…so they won’t help Covid….if I were you…. I’d call 111 for advice & possible referral to a different doctor.

Treetop33 profile image
Treetop33 in reply to AgedCrone

It was a bacterial secondary infection.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Treetop33

In your original post you didn’t mention that did you?

I replied before that info was introduced.That post only mentioned you “might” have had Covid.

Treetop33 profile image
Treetop33 in reply to AgedCrone

I apologise for not being 100% accurate to take account of unanticipated objections while in the midst of feeling really unwell. But in any case, I think we are entitled here to assume that none of us are ninnies about health matters, particularly us long-haulers.

CSLO profile image

Sorry to read this Treetop.

There are some super nasty bugs doing the rounds at the moment. I've had something for nearly three weeks, which I was convinced was Covid but I tested negative twice. It was certainly like my previous two bouts of it. I had to go for an asthma check last Monday and the GP took one look at me and said that it had turned into a bacterial infection. She said that they were inundated with flu like infections that were taking a while to clear and that are sometimes morphing into bacterial infections. I was given my first course of ABs in twenty years.

As an aside, following a conversation here a few weeks ago, I don't get colds, the last one I had was twenty years ago which became nasty. I think my super charged immune system nips them in the bud. However, I honestly think my immunosuppressants are working more efficiently than previously as this bout has followed Shingles in Sept that also hung around for weeks and weeks.

I have to go back tomorrow as she was concerned that I might need a second course of ABs but yesterday I felt an improvement for the first day so I'm hoping it's beginning to clear.

Her advice was as expected, total rest, lots of fluids, warm nourishing foods even if not hungry, but insisted that I must not leave the house in the foul weather we've had. All common sense things that we've all insisted upon when our kids have been sick over the years but we sometimes don't heed ourselves.

If you still feel really rough I'd go back to the GP and get checked out, maybe you need another course of ABs. Although the ghastly cough and chest are improved this morning I can feel my joints, tendons and muscles have become achey so I suspect that my immune system is doing its thing now and attacking me in the process. You might find it's tripped a flare.

Take care of yourself, lots of hot lemon, honey and ginger toddies and as much rest as possible.

All good wishes to you.

Treetop33 profile image
Treetop33 in reply to CSLO

That sounds very familiar. Yes I had a course of antibiotics which cleared the chest congestion, but it has come back again (though not so bad as before, and it was really bad). But it has as you say tripped me into a mini flare it seems. When it first came on, it really felt the same as Covid, which I had the first time round. Quite distinctive. We don't always test positive (apparently negative tests are about 60% reliable, positive tests 90%).

CSLO profile image
CSLO in reply to Treetop33

I agree, that's why I tested twice though days apart. Each time I was utterly convinced that it would be positive. The GP said that she'd done exactly the same when she was struck down with this. There are some real lurgies out there!

Look after yourself!

MrsMarigold profile image

Hi Treetop. I’m so sorry you are battling this ugly virus. You asked if there is something

“you must do” to help you get well. I have 2 suggestions that help me. First, chicken broth. I put my chicken in a crockpot with a bit of celery and seasoning very light. Take chicken out and pull meat off and set it aside. Add more water to your cockpot and put chicken bones in it. Simmer for 3 hours. I usually eat the meat as a side dish and enjoy my mug of broth.

Next, green matcha tea. This tea is naturally bitter. Some like it hot. I like mine cold with ice. For me, it is an incredible detoxifier so 2 days a week is the most I drink it. It detoxifies so well that my meds won’t work! So I’ve found my happy spot at 2 6oz cups a week. It does have a small amount of caffeine in it but it is not too much so that I find it to be calming and energizing at the same time. Hope you get well soon.

Treetop33 profile image
Treetop33 in reply to MrsMarigold

Thank you. I took your advice and made a chicken bone broth stew yesterday, which helped. While green tea is like a hair trigger for my bladder, I am going to try mullein tea which is apparently good for the lungs xx

Krazykat26 profile image

Hi Treetop 🤗Sorry to hear you're feeling pants right now 😔

You asked for self help tips and I don't know about iron etc..however lemon and honey are my go to when I've got anything nasty. I drink honey n lemon tea every day to keep the nasties at bay. A fresh lemon will last for days in the fridge and a small amount of it (a slice )will be enough for a couple of cups of tea..add the honey..a teaspoon or two depending on your tastes. Honey helps to sooth the throat n chest. You could even swallow a teaspoon of honey just to sooth if you have sore throat.

Vicks vapour rub is good for rubbing into the chest and back area to help your lungs. You can also use it in steaming hot water in a bowl with a towel over your head for a while n inhale the steam. CAUTION keep your eyes closed whilst doing this!!

Sending 🤗💜🙏 hope you feel improvement soon 💜🌈🦋xx

Oh I take high strength Vitamin C all year round

Treetop33 profile image
Treetop33 in reply to Krazykat26

Thank you! Yep Vics is a surprising win. I tend to try and inhale with eucalyptus rather than vics tho'.

Krazykat26 profile image
Krazykat26 in reply to Treetop33

I use eucalyptus too!! In that case try adding a couple of drops of tea tree oil in there helps with any kind of infection..bacterial and viral 💜🌈🦋xx

Wytchylady profile image

Hi. I wouldn't like to offer any medical advice or guesses as I'm not medically trained or suggest any supplements as Lupus varies a lot from person to person as does treatment. What suits one might not be suitable for another.I'd say it's important to contact your consultant or GP as soon as possible to get checked out rather than leave it. X

BonnyB profile image

How are you doing? Hopefully you are recovering x

Treetop33 profile image
Treetop33 in reply to BonnyB

I'm ok thanks, nice of you to ask. Going to see the GP tomorrow just to check in with my seeming inability to shake it off x

BonnyB profile image
BonnyB in reply to Treetop33

Good luck x

MrsMarigold profile image

Hope you are better Treetop. I’m trying to avoid big gatherings as Christmas getting closer and family coming. I’m curious do you still shelter in place quite a bit because of Covid?

Treetop33 profile image
Treetop33 in reply to MrsMarigold

I do try to shelter a bit still, and the one time I tried to have some daytime entertainment, I caught Covid. Now, post-virus, I've been diagnosed with asthma and had hives this morning. You are very wise xx

MrsMarigold profile image

Extra hugs to you. Antibiotics and hives? I haven’t met too many antibiotics that don’t give me rashes and malar rash. Shelter in place sounds like a good strategy for awhile

Merry Christmas

Treetop33 profile image
Treetop33 in reply to MrsMarigold

And to you! x

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