hello thank you for letting me join It’s been quite a long time getting diagnosed, because I have other problems as well, it’s taken about nine months and lots of test chest x-rays I’ve had shingles for four months which is taking a long time to get rid of lots of swollen lymph nodes and I think which will be confirmed on Wednesday that the lupus has affected some of my organs and the last four weeks have been very hard no energy I can’t bend down unless I get a headache those kind of things but my main concern is as I’ve lost weight has anybody got any tips they can share about food that I may help I’m trying to cut down on the dairy products and anything sweet so cutting out sugar and that’s the worst part because I really enjoyed my cup of tea and now I’m just drinking water and eating lots of fruit thank you if this post isn’t allowed sorry I will learn
Any tips : hello thank you for letting me join It’s... - LUPUS UK
Any tips

Hi breavheart, welcome to the forum. It’s a long process we all have to go through and all end up with various aches, pains and symptoms. I’ve never had shingles but know when my mum had it she was in a lot of pain. I hope Wednesday will be a good appointment with news that if your organs are affected by shingles they will be recoverable with time. Is it possible you’ve lost weight because of feeling unwell, you lost your appetite? I couldn’t give up my cup of tea or coffee ☺️ although I have limited myself to just 2 or 3 cups a day. I try to eat a healthy balanced meal with plenty of veg, a piece of chocolate sometimes creeps in after 😁and gentle exercise to keep the joints moving.
Tell us how you get on with your appointment on Wednesday.
Oh thank you for replying Chris 21 I don't know where or what to read as every site differs I have read a lot but now I am in this group I will leave the other reading I may have had this for years as I am also a Chairi malformation suffer so I put everything down to to that it will be good to get my diagnosis .

Hi Breavheart
Welcome to the forum! In case it’s of any use, we have a free information pack for new members, which includes information on lupus as well as LUPUS UK as an organisation, how we work, and what we do. You can request it here: lupusuk.org.uk/request-info...
Managing fatigue and eating can be so challenging when you’re not feeling well. Your GP may be able to refer you to a dietician to help you create a diet plan that will work with your specific needs and help monitor any weight gain/loss. We have a booklet here with general information on healthy eating with lupus which may be useful in the meantime: lupusuk.org.uk/wp-content/u... and a shorter factsheet about fatigue in lupus: lupusuk.org.uk/wp-content/u... and a slightly longer article on managing fatigue in lupus: lupusuk.org.uk/managing-fat...
I hope your appointment goes well on Wednesday.
Best wishes,