Hello everyone,
If you are a member who is diagnosed with POTs and willing to answer some questions for me, I would be most grateful. I believe I might be dealing with this, but don’t 100 percent fit the diagnostic criteria. Basically, my heart rate will jump 30 to 75 bpm per minute higher than it was sitting to standing or laying down to standing, but then rapidly begins dropping again within seconds. My heart rate is often too slow at rest. I deal with fatigue, headaches, excessive sweating, heart palpitations, chest tightness, feeling nervous, occasional dizziness, I have had black spots and felt faint before but have never passed out (this has only happened a few times), my feet do turn purple on occasion (not often I don’t think), poor concentration, shakiness, a feeling of instability in my balance (especially in the morning), nerve pain, joint pain, etc. Does any of this sound like potential POTs? I have a friend who is diagnosed with this who feels I might have it. I went to a cardiologist who basically told me because my stress test came back fine and because it doesn’t happen every single I time I stand up (it happens most often though), to basically drink more water and move on. Should I go to someone who will look into it more? Thank you all