Does anyone with SLE lupus suffer with brain fog and trouble concentrating?
Brain fog and lack of concentration : Does anyone... - LUPUS UK
Brain fog and lack of concentration

Hi there - My most troubling symptoms with lupus are brain fog and difficulty concentrating. I also experience a myriad of other symptoms, but I could live with them if I didn't have the brain fog etc. It makes work so problematic. To date I haven't found anything which helps. Have you?
No as only just realised it’s the lupus causing it as recently been making silly mistakes at work and when watching a film have no idea what’s going on as my minds not focusing.
Hi Ophelia, absoutely! You’ll be hard-pressed to find a lupie who does NOT suffer with brain fog and concentration difficulties. ☺️ For me, I think it’s a direct result of the constant fatigue. Pain and headaches make it hard to concentrate too, not to mention if I haven’t slept well the night before. Add to that any acute problems - chest pain, problems breathing, frozen limbs - and my concentration goes out the window.
The only thing that helps is cutting myself some slack - which is the hardest thing for me to do! But if I can’t concentrate, I may as well take it easy, because pushing myself certainly doesn’t help. Nor does beating myself up. So I slow my pace right down, reminding myself that working slower than normal, and getting less done than normal, is better than getting zero done. Be kind to yourself - it’s not your fault. 🌻🌈❤️
I can relate to all you issues. just to do few hours at work is really hard and work colleagues make it worse making comments take care 😃
Probably all of us, I should think.
oh, yes, really bad for remembering things this week and concentrating on one thing, had over 30 years of this xx
starchy. carbohydrates can do that with anyone. i cannot drive a car if i have had a starchy food' You addictive foods give the most trouble
Acupressure head and neck massage boosts blood circulation and I find it helpful. A mindful speedy walk as well. Are you on Hydroxy? I have lowered it from 400mg to 200mg and found it lessens brain fog for me. I weigh 58kg so doctor should not have prescribed 400mg I think. I also rest my eyes. I find it helpful.
I had a bad reaction to hydroxy so just use steroid cream
TYLENOL 8 Hour ARTHRITIS (or Off / Generic Store Brands)
650 mg each pill - take 2 @3x a day
(1300 mg -= 3 x a day)
These are “helping quite a few LUPUS FRIENDS” w/JOINT PAIN & other issues (especially those not able to take HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE
Acupuncture & MASSAGE - both are great PAIN RELEASE, muscle relaxers & STIMULATING GOOD BLOOD FLOW to JOINTS, etc for better functioning