Hello everyone. After a skin biopsy I was diagnosed with cutaneous lupus erythematosus as well as sjogrens syndrome. I'm trying to obtain travel insurance but every company that I've tried will not accept cutaneous lupus. They have been insisting that I must have discord lupus but I don't have that. The rash that I had was different from the discord rash. Can anyone explain why they won't accept CLE?
Cutaneous Lupus: Hello everyone. After a skin... - LUPUS UK
Cutaneous Lupus
DLE= discoid lupus erythematosus
SCLE= subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
CLE= cutaneous lupus erythematosus
CLE is actually part of DLE.👆
I personally was diagnosed with DLE with all sorts red rashes all over my body, not all “discoid” in appearance. Subsequently my DLE morphed into SLE and then lupus nephritis.
My own NHS consultant dermatologist uses DLE and cutaneous lupus interchangeably!
(See my letters from her).
Sounds like this travel insurance company think they “know” better?? Or are playing at God? Or talking gobbledygook par excellence!🥺😳 Ignorance hath no limits!
I’ve got SCLE and Sjogrens and no insurance companies appear to have heard of it! A few years ago one insisted it had to be SLE so I asked what the additional premium would be and there was no extra to pay. It would just be noted that I’d declared it. As the treatment is virtually the same I agreed. That was Explorer Insurance.
The problem is if I state that I have SLE or DLE it's not entirely correct and if I were to claim on the insurance for any reason they could say that I made a false statement. They will look for anything not to pay out. Thank for your reply.
I think this insurance company like many others need medical guidance.
One wonders what response they would give if you just said, “lupus” rather than give a differential diagnosis? Difficult decision.
All insurance assessments for premiums are based on the insuree’s level of risk to the company. If you present as a high risk “lupie” then the higher the premium and vice versa. It all depends on what medical questions they ask and what they actually want to know. The 12 pp DVLA medical form can be daunting for diabetics but..! .that’s a different disease.