Firstly, I'm not saying anyone should be using anything other than there meds. I just wanted to share this because (as a researcher) I can't help myself. I just have to research everything to death.
So, I discovered research by a specialist called Gregg Silverman in the States. He's discovered a link between gut microbiome dysbiosis (lack of bacterial diversity) and Lupus. When disease happens the dybiosis and the lupus are then self fulfilling prophecies keeping one another going.
Out of interest (i'd not been on any meds) I took a microbiome test (I have a pretty healthy diet loads of fruit and veg and insoluable fibre) so presumed it wouldn't show anything.
What actually happened was it was so bad the report said 'you should see a doctor.'
I then spoke to a BANT registered nutritionist who told me something very interesting. It isn't the quantity of fruit and veg you eat each week that maintains a good gut bacterial balance but the diversity and they recommend people who eat at least 30 different types of plant food each week have the healthiest guts. Nothing needs to be consumed in huge quantities she said, just a little of many different things...
I am now on a programme from her to see if I can improve my gut microbiome in the next 12 weeks. I'm making myself a human experiment and don't take any meds.
For HCQ users (I can't use it) the really good news is that researchers have discovered people who take HCQ see an improvement in the gut microbiome within three or four months or starting use. Adding a particular herb in (can't remember will find out if anyone's interested) made this effect even better.
Silverman's research is ground breaking and the nutritionist explained to me that it is the break down of the mucous on the gut wall that lines it that seems to be a big issue.
She also told me that you can take all the probiotics in the world but if you have an overgrowth of harmful bacteria there is no room for the new ones to grow. The anaology she used was the garden needs weeding before you sow new seeds. I won't tell you what she's given me to 'weed the garden' because it was personal to my case.
I am sharing this because it's worth at least reading Gregg Silverman's research and drawing your own conclusions from it. In the science they are now starting to think very specific probiotics (you can't just take any old probiotic they are not all the same I was taking one that didn't include the two bacteria I really needed most) maybe first line treatment for a range of skin and autoimmune conditions in future years.
So, end of me waffling. Gregg Silverman is the researcher to google if you want to....
If anyone is interested, I will happily report back here what happens to me in 12 weeks from now when I will do another microbiome test to see if it's made any difference....