I am confused and I am a bit lost... I am working over 6 years in a private, reputable school. When I started the job I told my employer about my health condition. In 4 years time I didn't feel too bad .. I was working plenty hours... last two years were worse. My manager sent me to an occupation nurse, because I was off too much and he couldn't understand why.
Did he think that I am lazy ?!.. Any way. I explained everything to the occupation nurse. She was brilliant! She sent a letter to my manager. We had a meeting... I can not explain how bad and down i felt .. They gave me new tasks but the tasks wasn't easier for me ( I still had to carry heavy things,rush etc.) , they did not want to cut my hours, they said that my condition doesn't mean that i can not work full time !!!! It was very unfair because we have part time stuff and a lot of them are looking for more hours ! They need me to do normal duties in busy time!
I won, partially, one day, after they received my rheumatologist letter so they cut my hours in January and I tried to keep going like that....
Now I feel that I can not manage any more.. I would like to speak to my manager again but I frightened.. I am really lost and I can't see any solution..
Do You have any suggestion?
Thanks x