Lupus and breast cancer: I've had Lupus for over... - LUPUS UK


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Lupus and breast cancer

Doreen2014 profile image
36 Replies

I've had Lupus for over 30years and very recently been diagnosed with Lobular breast cancer.

There is a family history.

I've had a mobile lump for many years and now a new lump appeared.

Both lumps and some lymph nodes are cancerous.

So I'm awaiting CT results then a plan for treatment.

Anxious time .

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Doreen2014 profile image
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36 Replies
svfarmer profile image

So sorry to hear of your diagnosis , I hope they don’t keep you waiting too long for your CT results , as you say it’s a very anxious time for you - sending big hugs 🤗😘

Doreen2014 profile image
Doreen2014 in reply to svfarmer

Thank you so much for your kind words xx

Spanielmadlady profile image

I only have experience of lupus but just wanted to say you are in my thoughts and prayers . I hope your treatment plan comes soon and it is a success xxxx

Doreen2014 profile image
Doreen2014 in reply to Spanielmadlady

Thank you.Just the waiting is the worse.

LalSD profile image

So sorry to hear this. My prayers are for you. x

Doreen2014 profile image
Doreen2014 in reply to LalSD

Thank you.

lufibabe profile image

I am so sorry to hear that. Sending you a hug and lots of prayers

Doreen2014 profile image
Doreen2014 in reply to lufibabe

Thank you

CecilyParsley profile image

Oh Doreen I am so very sorry that you are going through such a dreadful time. I sincerely hope that you get your scan soon and a treatment plan. Do you have support? I can only imagine how stressed and anxious you are. Huge virtual Cwtches xxx

Doreen2014 profile image
Doreen2014 in reply to CecilyParsley

Thank you. I live on my own with my beautiful dog Fern.I have friends and family support.

Minnie2000 profile image

Hi Doreen2014, sorry to hear your news. I've had lupus for over 20 years and was diagnosed with ductal invasive breast cancer last year and ductal carcinoma in situ. Fortunately it hadn't spread to the lymph nodes for me. I've now had 2 surgeries and radiotherapy and am on medication for the next 10 years. Throughout my treated they kept a close eye on me because of my lupus and that was reassuring. I am still recovering and I'm slowly on the mend and am looking forward to putting this behind me. I wish you all the best with your future treatment plan. Take care❤️ x

Doreen2014 profile image
Doreen2014 in reply to Minnie2000

I am so sorry to hear your story.I hope you start to recover soon.

CavendishCool profile image

I know my Mum found the waiting agonising and I too felt it with her, but obviously not on or anywhere near the same level. All we did was wait and she did what she wanted to do when she wanted to do it. I sprang into action when needed for hospital appointments and hand holding and all the other stuff that I felt so useless about. I'm so sorry for your diagnosis. That's all I've got. Anything else would, I feel be not from my heart. I only know how the Lupus part of you might feel. Namaste 🙏 🧘‍♀️❤

Doreen2014 profile image
Doreen2014 in reply to CavendishCool

Yes waiting is the worse part .

CavendishCool profile image
CavendishCool in reply to Doreen2014

Let's wait with you sending positivity and loads of love. I found with my Dad especially once he had his treatment plan, it was from what seemed like nothing to warp factor maximum literally over a weekend. Namaste Doreen 2014 🙏❤💋

Doreen2014 profile image
Doreen2014 in reply to CavendishCool

Yes it will move fast I think x

Jerg profile image

So sorry to hear about your diagnosis, I hope is benign.

Doreen2014 profile image
Doreen2014 in reply to Jerg

It's cancerous so waiting on my treatment plan.

Tiggywoos profile image

Oh Doreen what a horrible anxious time for you having to wait 😕. So glad you posted as no doubt there will be others on here that have been in your position and will be able to offer words of wisdom and support .

Sending you a big hug and please be super kind to yourself .. more than normal for sure


Doreen2014 profile image
Doreen2014 in reply to Tiggywoos

Thank you

blessing40 profile image

Sending lots of hugs. Good luck, will keep you in my prayers.

Doreen2014 profile image
Doreen2014 in reply to blessing40

Thank you

Dondees01 profile image

So sorry to hear Doreen. My sister has lupus and was diagnosed with breast cancer last July. Initially the hospital did not want to give her any form of radiotherapy after her operation, due to her lupus. We argued this point with them and she has since had a lumpectomy and radiotherapy. The worry was that the radiotherapy would bring on a huge lupus flare up that may be non reversible or very long lasting. I’m happy to confirm that although she did get a flare up it has been nowhere near as bad as we were expecting. So stand up for whatever you want to happen/do. Sending you lots of gentle hugs and healing wishes.

Doreen2014 profile image
Doreen2014 in reply to Dondees01

Thank you good to know.I had read about the radiotherapy theory.

I will be prepared .

CavendishCool profile image

BTW, please tell me something about your gorgeous little dog. I lost my little man 3 years ago and my big girl last July, so I'm one of these pathetic ladies who stops all the dogs in the street and loves them to bits whilst the owners get very twitchy. 🙈😄. Looks like Fern might fall into that category 🤔 x

Doreen2014 profile image
Doreen2014 in reply to CavendishCool

She is a rescue dog called Fern a Lhasa Apso the most loving wee girl I couldn't be without her.

Fern ❤
CavendishCool profile image

OMG. She's just the most gorgeous girl. My boy Maxy was sold to us as a Lhasa, but see what you think. Thanks for sharing. They are the most loyal and loving companions. She will always be there for you. Namaste 🙏 x

Christmas Max. Little dog with a Santa hat on.
Doreen2014 profile image
Doreen2014 in reply to CavendishCool

Oh gorgeous. Has the Lhasa face 🥰

Jerg profile image

So sorry I will be praying for you.

Doreen2014 profile image

Thank you.

Sending you strength and patience 🤗

Doreen2014 profile image
Doreen2014 in reply to

Thank you.

Heather8590 profile image

I’m so sorry you are going through all this. Praying for the best on your ct results and treatments.

Doreen2014 profile image
Doreen2014 in reply to Heather8590

Thank you for your thoughts .

BrigidsFire profile image

Many hugs and cwtches to you. I don't have experience of both, but my mother had breast cancer about 20 years ago. She had a mastectomy and eventually a reconstruction. I've had a (benign) lumpectomy.

Thinking of you and I hope your treatment plan isn't too awful x

Doreen2014 profile image
Doreen2014 in reply to BrigidsFire

Thank youStill awaiting result of CT scan before I get plan

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