Is it common for SLE Lupus patients to have a low-grade fever without an infection? Been on antibiotics (Levofloxacin) for 2 weeks followed by a treatment for yeast infection. I was on 20 mg of prednisone, 200 mg of hydroxchloroquine and 100 mg of imuran at that time, yet I am experiencing the fever. My prednisone was returned to 15 mg daily. I was told by my GP the antibiotic would cover sinus, chest, uti infections. What could be going on?
Non-infection with Low-grade fever: Is it common... - LUPUS UK
Non-infection with Low-grade fever

Hi, not sure if it helps but when I have a flare I have a fever of around 38.5C and feel very tired for a few days and I'm pretty sure it's not related to an infection. I don't take any special meds during a flare, I just take time off work to sleep it off. Takes a couple of days!
I don't know what is going on but my doctor just suggested that I only take 4 mg of Methylprednisolone and stop the Hydroxychlorychine after a phone call from my retinologist related to Macular Degeneration.
Hi UKMoss!! It’s wonderful to meet you!! 🥰
I have chronic fevers as well. I get fevers with or without an infection. Sigh…..Makes no sense. But, in our situation, nothing does!! LoL!!
As you can see, I’ve learned to laugh through pain. I am getting tired of crying & feeling sorry. [Of course, I have my 2 minutes of “why mee” rants here & there!! LoL!!] But, I keep it no more than 2 minutes of grumbling to myself & then, I laugh!! 🙆🏻♀️
Anyway, yes…..I get fevers without having an infection. With or without. I’ve heard & read that unexplained fevers are common for people like us. And, I have yet to hear or read of an explanation for why.
Inflammation can cause fevers, as well. And, sometimes we may have inflammation that we are unaware of. You know??
Well, I hope you feel better soon. Keep your head up, okay!!
May you have a wonderful evening, full of love & laughter!!
Please stay safe!!
Oh, most importantly…..Please SMILE!! 🥰🥰
Many Blessings & Warmest Aloha to You,
Angela from Hawaii
Hi UKMoss, sorry to hear of your recent infection and your ongoing fevers. If you have recently fought off an infection, your inflammation markers could still be high, and with our bodies it sometimes doesn’t take much to get inflamed. You can certainly have fever without any infection going on, fever can just be part of a flare. I don’t get the fever much but I am very susceptible to heat in general, so a hot day or stuffy room can trigger a flare for me. So fevers seem to be part of the package deal. I hope you get some relief soon!