Does anyone know if it safe to use saunas with lupus. I though it might improve circulation &help ease pain. I appreciate any advice, thank you.
Sauna: Does anyone know if it safe to use saunas... - LUPUS UK

Not really sure but I ended up in hospital with my heart jumping out of rhythm. Think u have to be careful if u have blood pressure problems.
Hey VillageAs Tremarel mentioned you need to watch your blood pressure, which can drop with heat depending how long your in say a sauna & how hot they are includes heated whirlpool/Jacuzzi, even Add sweat lodges (neighbours do that sadly no go for me)...
If you have sjogrens as well (as I do), I would be concern about losing fluids as well as blood pressure, as it (sjogrens) attacks your moisture producing glands everywhere ... stomach, digestion, lungs, etc. in addition to noticable eyes, mouth, throat....
If you can take long super baths it might be ok .... It will be interesting to see what other folks
Thank you for your reply, currently I'm undiagnosed a year ago prior to lockdown I was using a sauna once a week to help with my raynauds. However that was before I started having skin problems on my hands & feet along with abnormal blood tests. It sounds like I have to see for myself & note how I react.
I had an appointment with my consultant today and asked this question about sauna and gym. He said Sauna will be good for your joints, he also said only you will know what works for you so give it a go.
In terms of gym he said get back to the gym but start slow then build it up.
He told me to resume normal life if your body says no then listen. If its content then continue.
(Im just newly diagnosed by the way)

Thank you for your reply and asking the rheumatologist. Im 64 currently undiagnosed. I've being going to the gym for over 30 years, always done weights & cardio and will continueto do so as longas I can. I do have some joint pain at times but nothing significant. The difficulty is, is deciding what is normal aging , wear & tear etc. and what could potentially be attributed to lupus. I find that since my gp has said I likely have lupus, I am more conscious of any changes. I will give the sauna a go . The rheumatologist has given you good advice & I appreciate you passing that on to me, especially as I'm unlikely to be able to talk to one myself for at least a year. Can I ask how old you are please?
Im a gym goer too l, but havent been this year because i got sick. Now im slowly getting better im getting back to the gym, as i like to be active.
Yeah my consultant is good, enncourages me to go back to my normal life, i asked about the sauna because i want to loosen up my joints as they do get stiff aswell so lucky i saw your question today.
Hope your well

Definitely lucky you saw my question, it was meant to be. I know you are a lot younger than me but as we are both in early days I think it would be interesting & helpful to follow each other's journey. Im going to follow if you dont mind.I hope you are able to get back in the gym as much as possible and be as active as you want to be. Hope you joints loosen up. The more you can do at your age has to be beneficial.
Yes defo meant to be.
That would be nice to follow each others journeys il follow you back. Im just going with the flow at the moment. See how things go and how my body reacts.
Feel free to message me anytime

Thank you😘. I just need to figure out how to follow you😄
I remember that life of fitness, brother in pool/health club business...hope you can keep it up regardless of suspected lupus will make alot of difference to maintaining your stamina...Give it a try...😀 wet heat over dry sounds so
I'm hoping to keep the gym up. I intend to do my best. The support & knowledge I have gained from being part of this group is amazing. Its not nice reading about the suffering this disease causes and I'm mindful that this in time could be me. I intend to fight😊
I went to a spa with a Himalayan rock salt sauna and I felt like a new person! I wish I had one in my house. Like others have said be careful about it but give it a go and see if it helps maybe try it for a few minutes at a time and build up. Just make sure you are hydrated and don't have any blood pressure issues. I wish you all the best
Apparently infrared saunas are good for autoimmunity but I've yet to try one. I personally can't tolerate heat, so wouldn't go near a normal sauna. I'd prefer to sit in a bath of ice, frankly.
A friend of mine got one and still haven't a chance read the research & how it may affect our skin.... Must follow through on research.... Know what you mean about ice bath
I guess you would have to try and see how you go. Alternatively you might find benefit from using a steam room. I stopped being able to tolerate dry heat years ago but found benefit from using the steam room next door. I didn't know I had autoimmune issues back then so was puzzled as to why I couldn't take a sauna any longer. However I am no longer able to use a steam room either now.
I love having a sauna and a hot tub but find i can’t stay in too long in the sauna but can stay in the hot tub until I shrivel like a prune lol! It’s so soothing on the joints keep trying to get my hubby to get one of those blow up hot tubs but no luck yet haven’t been able to have one for ages because nowhere I know off has one. I usually take a plastic bottle of water with me when I go in the sauna because I know you can dehydrate in it. Hope you get on ok in it and enjoy 😊
Not been back since Covid but I used to be a regular in the sauna, steam room and jacuzzi at my gym. Really helped with aches and Raynauds. Just don't overdo it; stay hydrated and don't stay too long.Enjoy!
Thank you, I used the sauna for 15 minutes today and it felt great, I didnt have time to use the steam room as well but plan to use both next week.