We are in lockdown, it is raining but Spring will come. I hope this happy image will cheer you up. Sending love and Cwtches to you all ❤️❤️❤️🦔🦔🦔
Wishing you all a very happy, relaxed weekend - LUPUS UK
Wishing you all a very happy, relaxed weekend

I decided this morning that spring has arrived here - they are studying the potholes that have developed over the winter! That is a sure sign ...
How is your grandson ? X
Day before yesterday he was coughing better as my mum used to say
I remember that saying....hope he continues to recover. Xx
I asked - very tired still, staying on the sofa - I assume because he can't see his TV from the bed!!!!
Cwtch the smallest room in the house or a lovely cuddle. Dylan Thomas had a wonderful way with these words with several meanings. Best wishes Kevin
Oh CP this pic is absolutely too cute for words ♥️🥰♥️🥰♥️🥰Thanks for the giggles the warm fuzzy feelings and the love 💗 my special friend.
We’re in the middle of a dangerous artic storm. 40+ mile per hour winds wet heavy snow with some icy build up and temps below zero today. 🥶
Our beloved groundhog Winter weather forecaster Paunxatawny Phil saw his shadow 02 February so we have 6 more weeks of Winter weather to go.
Brrrrr...Phil sure got it right. Up til now our winter was extremely mild almost no snow.
Proves our old adage so true of: (Winter)..,in like a lamb out like a lion. 😱
WOW is he roaring now😱🥶.
Sending you lots of love ♥️ warm hugs 🤗 and prayers 🙏🕊 my special friend.
EJ 😊🌿🌸🦋
Oh my goodness Phil is always right isn’t he? Stay safe and warm lovely. We have had light snow here. The climate is changing so much. When I was a child we used to have snow up to the windows in winter and the seasons were well defined. Now we have much more rain but milder winters. Huge Cwtches and lots of love xxx❤️💐🦊🦔🐿🦡
Yes he is. However we’re in a northern State which borders Canada and we expect snow ❄️☃️🌨🌬and all its buddies.
Wow you got a lot of snow in your once normal seasons.
As a child in grade school (kindergarten thru sixth grades) the snow started in October and stayed on the ground until May. At times was so deep it came up to my armpits when I jumped off of our porch. Those were very harsh Winters.
Now this same area barely gets big snows. As you have said mild Winters are normal here too. We are cold 🥶 most of the time but on occasion we will have a fluke Spring/Summer day then snap back to Winter.
I feel for both wildlife and nature when this happens as it’s so hard on everything.
We all have to adapt because we certainly cannot change it,can we.
CP please educate me on what Cwtches means.
I’ve tried but just don’t have a clue. I’d really like to know so I can use the term and know it’s meaning when doing so. Thanks for teaching me sweetie.
Much love and hugs 🤗 ♥️
EJ 😊🙏🕊
Oh sorry lovely. A Cwtch has two meanings in Welsh, it can mean a big squidgy hug or the cupboard under the stairs. When a Welsh person sends you Cwtches they send big bear hugs sent with love xxx
“Alex, I’d like to buy a vowel for $500 please...”
That word contains no vowels! You can’t pronounce it!
In 2018 we were in Wales. We went to Betsy coed. That’s how I’ve decided to say and spell it! 😂
Auto correct and my brain both prefer it. Lol. ( Bets-y-Coed?) close? Swallow Falls- beautiful!
Sweet CP 😍
Thank you for the lesson on Cwtches.
I absolutely love this. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
I’m pronouncing it kuh watches. I will now be able to use this lovely word and know it’s true meaning.
With that said;
Cwtches my special friend.
Love and prayers sweetie.
EJ 😊🤗♥️🥰🙏🕊
Adorable, 2 of my favourite things a meadow of daisies & a cute little hedgehog.Have a lovely weekend CecilyParsley
Lol! I dare anyone not to smile and say" Awww......”
It’s super bowl Sunday here this weekend, someone kill me. Just no... no no no!!!!
I know Kelly it made me smile. Oh no football!! You will just have to binge watch Netflix and eat chocolate xxx
There are two towns / villages in Wales with no English vowels :
Absolutely impossible! Glad to see the language and culture thriving- so important.
These words, including cwtch, were probably in use when the bluestones of Stonehenge were being quarried in Preseli, Pembrokeshire, Wales 3000 years ago. Long before either America (or vowels) were discovered. Sorry Kelly--- you will catch us up in a few thousand years.
I’m a linguist, and teach ( taught) at the secondary level. I have a passion for preserving language and culture.
One of my special areas of interest is Mexico, and how Spain / Portugal - Spanish influence in expansion of the new world shaped a new people. What did it bring to the table? What did it take away? How has the balance been struck then and now? From Inca, Maya, to various Native American Indian tribes all the way up the Texas coast line- on up to Cali.
Beautiful Spanish missions- Native American Indian fused with Spanish influence- in architecture to language to cuisine is where you see it most obviously played out today.
It’s really amazing- the journey.
The language evolution and fusion has been fascinating.
I always look to older civilizations to see how the wheel turns.
Hi what a gorgeous picture definitely made me smile this morning. I've had a rough week. My knee gave out on me coming down the stairs. It's been agony. I also had to have a tooth out so not a great week. Seeing pictures like this make you feel so happy. Thank you for cheering me up. Have a good weekend. JCZW
Oh bless you. Knee pain is the worst. Mine are so unsteady I come down stars like a crab sideways holding on for dear life as mine readily give way. I hope you did not hurt yourself badly? Oh a tooth out too. You have had a terrible time. I am so very sorry. Big Cwtches and the hope of a better week next week 🤞🏻❤️ Xxx
Such a lovely creature in a beautiful setting. 😍 Thanks for the uplifting picture Cecily. Love and hugs straight back to you. 💕🤗😘x
Hi Cecily Great picture -- Hoggiface looks like I felt when we had had our first jab. PS People need to hear cwtch with a welsh accent. It does not sound the same with an English (or American) one. Have a good weekend.
Hi Cecily 🤗 what a lovely pic..thank u for posting it🙏I saw some snowdrops in someone's garden when I was out the other day!! Spring is springing!! Although we're forecast heavy snow tonight!! 😁
Have a lovely weekend yourself 🌈😽😽xx