Good afternoon ladies and gents. Today I’ve received a lovely text from my ward manager asking me to get a medical certificate from my GP for the 12 weeks I’ve been asked to shield. Even though I got letters from NHS and Department of Health & Social and NHS, I will need the medical certificate. Anyone here, has been asked from their work to get medical certificate on top of the letters they got? Thinking of I should called my union. Just feel fed up.
Medical certificate for shielding: Good afternoon... - LUPUS UK
Medical certificate for shielding

My daughter is NHS and shielding - no certificate required, just a copy of the letter about shielding. Just asked her to check ...
Apparently HR which is asking for the medical certificate.

Employers shouldn't be requesting additional evidence to your shielding letter. ACAS has advised them to be flexible with requesting sick notes because the NHS doesn't have capacity to issue them at present.
It may be worth contacting your union rep.
I work for the nhs too and I've offered the shielding letters for them to see/copy but they haven't even wanted to see copies of those!! But don't u worry I will be keeping them just incase!!
As for sick letters not they are not needed for this.
This is totally incorrect. My shielding letter actually says on it “this letter is evidence for your employer”. I’m a doctor and it sounds like your HR department aren’t being very accommodating! Sorry you’re having to deal with this. It sounds like you work for the NHS too - shielding should be documented as “special leave” and not “sick leave”; you don’t need a med3. Hope you get things worked out.
You don't need a sick note. Keep copies of all letters and contact your Union rep. They can take this up for you. Any stress could result in a flare which you just don't need x
I have a carer nine hours a week under the Direct Payments Scheme. Her GP told her she must self isolate due to her asthma. Social Services insisted on a letter from the GP and after countless phone calls he told her the guidelines have changed so you are not sick enough for a letter. As a consequence she lost six weeks pay. The following day she became so unwell she was rushed to hospital with double pneumonia and suspected Covid-19. She was kept in for two days on IV antibiotics and steroids and sent home. She is very poorly and worrying about how she will pay the bills. Her GP has a lot to answer for but Social Services have been intractable . You would think the caring services such as NHS and SS would have a modicum of compassion. I really hope your GP and Union will give you the support you need to remain safe. Please keep us updated xx
Hmmm - if you worked in the NHS in the last 10 years you'd know that one thing management are usually not hot on is compassion!
Hi guys, thank you so much for the support. It bring tears to my eyes. I’ve contacted HR yesterday, spoke to a lady. But she couldn’t tell me why I need a medical certificate. She told me she will contact my ward manager. Contacted my ward manager this morning, to check if HR has contacted her. She said no one has and nothing has changed. So I will still need to get the medical certificate. So I contacted my union and the lady I spoke to told me it’s the first time she heard that. So the union is looking into it and they will contact me today or tomorrow. Once again thank you so much for the support.x