Hi all, just wondering if anyone has been diagnosed with this? Went for regular optician check up on Monday and was informed I had papilladema. Optician made urgent referral to eye Hospital same day who confirmed the same and was the referred to my local hospital the following day for urgent lumbar puncture. Consultant requested 2 different types of brain scans before agreeing to carry out lumbar puncture the next morning (yesterday) three attempts to do LP yesterday but all unsuccessful. Very painful experience and quite frightening as the inexperienced doctor attempting to do the procedure was literally all fingers and thumbs to the point where registrar stepped in and took over. Still unsuccessful though as needle not long enough! They then booked me in this morning for procedure to be carried out by anaesthetist however I’ve just been sent home and told to come back tomorrow as no theatre or anaesthetist available.
I’m just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar? Is it lupus related? I’m currently on 400mg of hydroxychloroquine, can this medicine cause papilladema? I’ve left message on my Reumy advice line voicemail but it normally takes a few days for a response.
Also, the optician mentioned that new recommendations for people taking hydroxychloroquine is for eye checks to be carried by eye specialists not regular opticians. I have previously mentioned this to my Reumy but he dismissed me and said to just have 6 monthly check ups at my normal optician.
Thanks guys.
Any advice is welcomed right now as it’s been a bit of a scary week so far!