I’ve got Gout and am in agony ..is this related to Lupus? I’ve been waiting nearly a year for an appointment to see rheumatologist finally going on 1st April ..hoping there is some help for me as a blood test confirmed I have SLE.. any advice please re pain relief for this dreaded gout?
Advice please: I’ve got Gout and am in agony ..is... - LUPUS UK
Advice please

Not undermining the diagnosis or the condition or pain you are in. Can they not give you something for the pain whilst waiting the referral?
Just a word of caution. My husband was diagnosed with Gout many years ago. 8 years later a locum dr recognised that my husband had psoriasis, which started around the same time. He did some checks and found it was not Gout after all but psoriatic arthritis.
I wish you well. And hope that you can find some pain relieve soon. I wish I knew what to suggest.
Has your GP put you on cholchicine for the gout? It should help the pain.
Hi Jazzingzilly, don't want to say yes or no regarding gout but I've been on Allopurinol for quite a few years as when I was diagnosed with lupus years ago I had terrible gout in my toes and I could hardly walk. Never had any problems since. Worth asking your consultant as I like to leave GPs out of it

Ok thanks for advice .. I’ll enquire about this drug ..anything to cope with this pain
Hi - I don’t have time to read replies but I use CoCodamol and pain plasters called Deep Freeze . Avoid cheese, red wine etc I am sure you know. Turmeric would help too as it is an anti inflammatory, good luck it’s vile!
Deep Freeze are just menthol type herbs, and I cut the plasters in half depending on where the pain is. You could check with the pharmacist to be sure as they do last 12 hours (I use them to get some relief to sleep) - they do a gel I keep in my bag and a wonderfully soothing spray - very best of luck
OMG - yes, cherry juice is excellent, sorry I forgot. I wish you free from so much pain
I run a support group for Sjogren’s and it has helped me more than anyone, I think. When you are up to it, try to find one for Lupus - you don’t feel so alone and despairing x
I hope you've been able to get some pain relief. Have you looked up the "no" list for diet? My father has had gout for 50 years and eventually stopped taking the medication he was on (Allopurinol I think) due to crippling side effects of back pain. Unfortunately the gout then returned but keeping to the low protein, no oily fish etc diet , coupled with a much lower dose of the meds seems to have reduced the gout enormously.
Hi .. pain has finally subsided thank goodness... I’ve been drinking lots of cherry juice and applying freeze patches ..it’s definitely helped..I’m going to ask doc for the colchicine tablets to keep in reserve..I’ve heard bad reports about Allopurinol so will avoid taking that as it’s for life apparently with severe side effects.. thankyou for your response
Hi Jazzingjilly. I have suffered with gout for years and I rally do feel your pain. Eventually I was prescribed Allopurinol. Result pain free.
Hi ..do you get any bad side effects from this drug ..as I’ve said I’ve heard bad reports about it ..I do take quite a few prescription drugs re heart high blood pressure etc so am reluctant to add another drug I’m sure you’ll understand..but it’s great news that you are gout and pain free and thanks for your response