Just need to tell someone.SORRY FOR THE LONG POST - LUPUS UK


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Just need to tell someone.SORRY FOR THE LONG POST

Tavares79 profile image
14 Replies


Good evening everyone that is here reading our " complaints " ,fears and other feelings.....

I've not written anything for a bit as I've been busy with baby and family and my own mind trying to cope with this.

I was actually feeling so good for having found this forum where All of you have gental words and awesome advise and all of a sudden I woke up one day having this pain under my ribcage... doctors here I came..well not quite!

First I've tried the good old paracetamol and ibuprofen with no joy,then I thought well voltarol should help... but no... So I thought trying oneprazol for a few days.... nothing helped and finally I've called the GP and had an appointment on the same day . Doctor examine me and said she thought it was gastritis so to take more oneprazol. I'm taking these for a few days till I feel really bad in pain, I'm not dying in pain but it's starting to get to me so I've been to hospital where they done bloods to check infection levels and etc and even done an x-ray to see if there was something brewing ( doctors words ) .ALL CAME CLEAR ...I should be a happy bunny and go home feeling great but obviously it wasn't the case as my pain was still in me.anyway , before I left doctor said I'm going to use the blood and check pancreatic function . I'll call if anything is not right. Stress for a few days waiting. Had a alright weekend but my pain was again getting to me so I've decided to call GP this morning and so I did.

GP saw me,he was great, checked me again .. touched my tummy asked our my bowel movements are and after he said " ok I can see that you are in pain and nervous so we're doing some stools analysis and I'm asking for a tummy scan.

I'm sorry this post is so long...my point is: why do we have to suffer for so long going to GP, hospital,sleepness nights waiting for ONE. Doctor that actually hears you. I've cried today as I felt nervous and Happy that I'm getting the attention I needed since the pain started.

I'm still in pain , can't wait for the exams and hopefully till they happen I could feel better

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Tavares79 profile image
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14 Replies
Princerogers777 profile image

Because its hard to tell whats from the lupus and whats not. I always wonder if certain pains or ailments are from ye lupus or not . I hope everything turns out ok dear.

Tavares79 profile image
Tavares79 in reply to Princerogers777

Thank you 😊

Apricot100 profile image

Hi Tavares, I've no advice on what your pain could be but just wanted to say how I really feel for you, being passed about the medics and not getting responses but still suffering.

Truly hope these latest tests give you answers xx

Tavares79 profile image
Tavares79 in reply to Apricot100

Yes so do I. Thank you 😊

Hamptons profile image

Be interested to hear the end as had this too the last week. Told to double omeprazole only to discover oops I already had. So tripled it. Little effect, got given thing for bloods which will say raised enzymes as I have this several times a year. Stomach and bowel clear. Pain is under right rib and into back. Drinking ginger and apple cider vinegar which has eased inflammation maybe with help from antacid.

bookish profile image
bookish in reply to Hamptons

Just wondered if you had had your gallbladder checked. Sluggish bile (according to Ann Louise Gittleman) can cause nausea, light-coloured floating stools, queasiness after fatty meals, bitter taste in mouth, headache over eyes, pain under ribs, in upper right quadrant, between shoulders, dry skin and hair, chemical sensitivities, weight gain, bloating, mood changes, fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, dizziness, hearing problems. You need bile as a binder for toxins as well as to absorb nutrients and without free-flowing bile can't properly convert T4 to T3. More bitters are supposed to help - watercress soup, grapefruit, 1/2 lemon juiced in hot water first thing in the morning, also more choline - walnuts, and eggs if you can tolerate them. Have a look at purehealthclinic.co.uk/heal.... Best wishes

Hamptons profile image
Hamptons in reply to bookish

Interesting -had gall bladder checked several times not the bile ducts. Hot water and lemon very much my friend.

CecilyParsley profile image

I am so very sorry that you are in pain. I haven’t had this particular pain but I do know I get issues that seem to never be resolved which come and go so I do understand the need to find the cause. Good luck xx

Spotty-ewe profile image

No need to apologise for the long post. Best to talk it out with those who know what it is like and who care about what you are going through. 🥰Symptoms come and go and can vary from day to day - it is the nature of this cursed disease. 😩 But just remember you are not alone, so hang in there and let us know how the tests go.🙏🏻🤞

If you feel like venting again, you do that.😝 We’re hear to listen and support you! 😉 Take care 🤗🥰💕

bookish profile image

Might be worth getting GP to check gallbladder too, if not done already. Have a look at my reply to Hamptons. Best wishes

Tavares79 profile image
Tavares79 in reply to bookish

Hi ... it's been a while since I have been here... been to the GP and done what you advised... apparently it's nothing wrong with gallbladder. I still have the pain under my ribcage and it's traveling towards the back, I'm waiting for a tummy scan as my bowels are not agreeing with the clock.... Just getting this palpitations coming out of bloody nowhere, I'm scared obviously because I don't want to suffer or die and also because I'm alone with my one year old . I'm not special and death comes anytime . I'm also waiting to speak with counseling due to health anxiety reasons. Have you been through this... these palpitations,this fear?!

Thank you for your help and time

bookish profile image
bookish in reply to Tavares79

Hello. I'm glad they have checked and gallbladder ok but sorry that you are still in pain and having a rough time. I don't have Lupus (possible APS plus other stuff) so don't know what else might be causing it. Presumably you have had checks for APS when you were diagnosed?

To answer your question, yes both to palpitations and fear. I got copies of all old blood tests and am trying to get everything to an optimal level. If you have them, put them on a post so you can get some advice. I think starting to use magnesium (flakes, in a warm water foot bath before bed) helped calm me and makes me sleep. My iron (ferritin) was low and my adrenal function a bit off, plus vit D and Bs. Trying to find out what I could, reading a lot, and changing what I was able to (now on autoimmune diet with lots of improvements although still lots wrong) made me feel a bit less out of control. I try to be gentle with myself, rest more, meditate and breathe slowly and deeply. I try to think of several things to be grateful for at the end of each day and picture them in my head so that I have positive thoughts to help get some rest. Have a look at purehealthclinic.co.uk/2018... which I say to myself from time to time!

I hope you don't have to wait long for the scan and that counselling will help you. The body has an amazing capacity to heal given the right support, be that nutrients or the understanding and love of friends, family, pets... My best wishes to you

Tavares79 profile image

Sorry that you have to go through all this also...I feel selfish because there's a lot worse than what I have.

Thank you for all the advice, I'll definitely try all.

Stuwill profile image

I too have a pain just below my left ribs that comes and goes. I’ve had it for three years now and have had endless blood tests, GP appointments, ultrasounds, endoscopy, colonoscopy and a CT scan and they still found nothing. Sometimes it’s that intense it takes my breath away. Even when it’s not really hurting I can still feel it as a dull ache. Hope you have better luck getting to the bottom of it than I did!

All the very best to you.

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