I’ve been having problems with my left hand - swollen, painful, unable to properly bend fingers, make a fist- and constant abdominal pain for some while. Some issues with right hand too but not as bad. Rheumi thinks this is telling that symptoms are not mirrored?
Added to this I’ve had low white cell and platelet counts for several years although that’s only just been put together. A full lupus blood screen was negative for lupus but showed low complement levels. Due to see rheumatologist again but her letter says not enough symptoms for lupus but I do have an autoimmune disease and she recommends treatment with steroids and the anti malarial lupus drug whose name I cannot spell....! So why recommend these if not lupus?
I’ve had scans and other investigations on my abdomen but no one can tell me why I am in constant pain. Left side below ribs. I’ve read could be inflammation of membranes or maybe kidneys. Anyone any experience with similar pain?
Thank you all for sharing your experiences here - it’s a great resource.