Does anyone else suffer with irrational mood swings? Mine have been getting considerably worse. I’m due to see my rheumatology nurse in November and I saw my stroke nurse on Friday who suggested contacting my emotional well-being clinic and getting in to be assessed. I have an appointment on the 22nd Oct.
I just feel so lost. I can go from laughing hysterically one second to crying over something so pathetic and small. Then with a click of the fingers I’m like a raging bull. I don’t even realise my mood has changed until my partner points out I’m slamming things around or smashing things. He tells me to breathe and count to ten then I wanna punch and kick him into next week! I obviously would never hurt him.
I just get so angry and it becomes really really hard to breathe. Then I can go back to normal and be talking like nothings happened!
I feel so lost and confused.
Karrina xx