Hi, anyone have any idea why this has happened in the last few weeks? I have incredibly dry skin so have to moisturise and I use a cream cleanser, none of which I’ve changed recently. My skin is very red in the morning and after a shower even though I try not to wet my skin or get shampoo on it. All these started off as under the skin spits that were blistery and if I scratch them they end up like this. I’m 58 and it’s just hideous. I’ve taken a photo and perhaps I’ll visit the nurse see if she knows, I just wondered if it’s happened to anyone else?
Why all these blistery spots at my age? - LUPUS UK
Why all these blistery spots at my age?

Could it be Rosacea? I’ve just posted about similar but mine aren’t blistery spots just now - just redness and swelling around my nose. Rosacea can cause blistery spots, adult acne and affect the chin and is worse in fair skin and sunshine etc.

I think you might be right Twitchy, I was given a cream for rosacea couple of years back, I will go see the nurse now I've got a photo, otherwise I am hiding it with foundation but there's a host of them under the skin on my cheeks too??
Have you tried washing in Dermol 500? It can used as a topical moisturizer too. I get it on prescription, but you can purchase it from most good pharmacists. It's antibacterial I use it when my Vasculititis starts to flare - which it is at the moment.

Thanks poemsgalore for the tip, I notice a lot of thread veins/broken capillaries too which is pretty new to me, could my face be a sign of vasculitis do you think?
Quite possible, perhaps you could join the Vasculitis group on here and post your photo. healthunlocked.com/vasculit...
I agree with poems
Dermol 500 lotion..wonderful stuff..u can wash in it n then apply as often as needed to moisturise any spotty itchy bits!! I have cutaneous lupus n get it on prescription from dermatology..it's used for dermitis n eczema n is safe to use on children so it's really gentle on my skin!! I would try that first xx
Make sure skin is scrupulously clean. You don’t want an opportunistic infection.😢
Numerous bacteria and other 🦠 s live on skin waiting to enter the smallest of cuts on skin.
Use DERMOL 500, a soothing, mild emollient, antiseptic soap substitute which is highly moisturising. I also use Savlon healing, soothing antiseptic cream for any sores. Tea tree oil and Aloe Vera based moisturisers are also good.
Doublebase gel/lotion is also good for soothing/easing ITCHINESS! Says so on the tube.
Thanks Krazykat, I'm going to definitely get some, I currently use Simple cleanser and E45 for dry skin but I've even noticed there are some brands of cotton wool pads that I can't use, have to be Johnsons baby
Make sure skin is scrupulously clean. You don’t want an opportunistic infection.😢
Numerous bacteria and other 🦠 s live on skin waiting to enter the smallest of cuts on skin.
Use DERMOL 500, a soothing, mild emollient, antiseptic soap substitute which is highly moisturising. I also use Savlon healing, soothingantiseptic cream for any sores. Tea tree oil and Aloe Vera based moisturisers are also good.
Doublebase gel/lotion is also good for soothing/easing ITCHINESS! Says so on the tube.
Ouch! That looks sore! I hope you get something to help it. Thing is, we can become sensitive to anything at any time, I used to be ok with Simple wipes and cleanser but can’t use them at all now. If my skin flares up I use Epiderm cream, you can wash with it and apply it as a moisturiser. Good luck xx
I've also used Epiderm cream NanaFifi, but found it rather thick and greasy.

Same here poems with the epiderm..too thick n greasy for me!! Xx
Thanks NanaFifi, I've got a couple of good suggestions for cleanser/creams which I will look into, I need something to calm them down because they feel awful and doesn't feel like they're going anywhere soon
K x
Another moisturiser the dermatologist prescribed for me is Doublebase Gel, very soft and soothing.
Make sure skin is scrupulously clean. You don’t want an opportunistic infection.😢
Numerous bacteria and other 🦠 s live on skin waiting to enter the smallest of cuts on skin.
Use DERMOL 500, a soothing, mild emollient, antiseptic soap substitute which is highly moisturising. I also use Savlon healing, soothingantiseptic cream for any sores. Tea tree oil and Aloe Vera based moisturisers are also good.
Doublebase gel/lotion is also good for soothing/easing ITCHINESS! Says so on the tube.