My support working said claim pip, I wish I had N... - LUPUS UK


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My support working said claim pip, I wish I had NEVER entered that interrogation which is meant to be an assessment 😔 the system sucks

Lisalou19 profile image
18 Replies

Whether I get it or not, right now no amount of money is going to pull me out of this extremely low mood!

I did a claim for pip based on social services advise to get some extra help for me and my children !! I only have the children at home to help.

I learnt years ago that the worst form of communication is questioning, so who on earth have taught these cold people to not consider a persons mental health before they bombard them with continuous relentless questioning to the point you are so drained you can no longer process anything they are saying and no longer process your own thoughts. Once the army interrogation had finished I then got asked about my mental health????? Of course I crumbled at this point as it felt like a final question of interrogation rather than a sincere question. I think for me my mental health should have been addressed at the beginning.

So here I am today thinking what's the point of asking for help because it feels like there isn't any and in return for asking you are left feeling like a criminal.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? Or am I being over sensitive? Although my support worker agreed that she was too harsh with me.

To me they are trained in army camps. She didn't even though what half of my medications were for, and they are meant to be medically trained. To anyone that has put their self through that I think your a tough cookie and if you've had to appeal then your a legend. Xx

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Lisalou19 profile image
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18 Replies
suzannah16 profile image

It truly is an uncaring process. It is probably the one thing that is constantly on my mind. I am always worrying about the next time. I don't get PIP, I only applied once I just get ESA and that process is bad enough. I couldn't get help from citizens advice because they had too many claims to deal with. I constantly worry I am going to get told to transfer to UC and it doesn't help with stress and blood pressure. unfortunately when I am faced with an interrogation or form to fill in I go completely blank. I've tried keeping diaries and go blank with those too. XX

LupusKaren profile image
LupusKaren in reply to suzannah16

I have my at home interrogation on Wednesday LisaLou. Like you, my mental health history I dread being grilled on, I don't want to be forced to reliving it, and I am totally dreading it truly am. I will have my husband here, and have copies of the letters from my medics and GP clearly outlining my health problems, but my assessor (told likely to be a physiotherapist) is deemed qualified to make a decision on my ability to be awarded the claim. My only beacon of hope, as this is a DLA-PIP transfer assessment it that I was awarded ESA Support with no F2F, but I used an organisation to do my form, and I will use them again to appeal if necessary. I could easily tell them to jog on, but my case is genuine, I have nothing to hide, and am entitled, so the stubborn part in me will fight for it.

Lisalou19 profile image
Lisalou19 in reply to LupusKaren

It seems they prefer to highlight what you can do on your good days. And my goodness as soon as you mention you have a car 🤦‍♀️ they get trigger happy about that, to the point I had to ask why this piece of information was so relevant when pip gives money for cars 😣x

Georgiab123 profile image

Hi I’m the same not nothing the assessor told lies good job my daughter was with me, she’s wrote a letter to change decision

Lisalou19 profile image
Lisalou19 in reply to Georgiab123

I've heard this so many times that they lie!!!! Why do they do this??? No amount of money to us changes a chronic illness!!!! I hear they get bonuses and that would make sense why they lie. All of them should be recorded as standard x

Lupiknits profile image
Lupiknits in reply to Lisalou19

When I saw my assessor’s report I couldn’t believe the porkies and the friend who accompanied me was aghast.

Not much asked about my mental state because I’m certifiably crazy, erm, I mean I have bipolar disorder requiring the meds to be supplied in nomad boxes to ensure I take the right ones at the right time everyday.

I’m going for a Tribunal, with the help of a Welfare Rights Officer. I “only” lost a little of the full care allowance, and I’m dreading the whole thing but am ****ed if I’ll let them get away with it.

Lisalou19 profile image
Lisalou19 in reply to Lupiknits

My mental health is pretty unsteady at the minute and she only asked about my mental health after interrogating for what felt like forever. I was so angry and upset that this was asked at the end, of course I completely fell apart due to general health reasons but the cheek to even ask! If they cared or understood mental health this should be addressed right from the start x

Georgiab123 profile image
Georgiab123 in reply to Lupiknits

Mine was the same no mention said I was happy, my son was attacked 2 years ago never expected him to live he has a massive brain injury and in a care home at 45 years of age, my health has went downhill since, my daughter said we will take it to appeal

Aww that makes me a tough cookie and a legend then - thanks! I know exactly how this experience made you feel as I have been there and got the badge myself. Plus tribunal which I lost despite them acknowledging my autoimmune diseases and impact.

It was so bad for me that, despite being self employed on low income for 35 years now and having quite a few newly diagnosed things to add to any new claim - I just couldn’t bring myself to go through the experience again. My husband actually won’t let me reapply now despite him having to work now as an agency care worker to help provide for us both. The impact on my physical and mental wellbeing of this PIP claim experience and additional substandard NHS care has been great.

But maybe you will be awarded as you should so 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽 and don’t ever let the bu**ers get to you for longer than a day or two please. Lick wounds and onwards and upwards. 🤗

Lisalou19 profile image
Lisalou19 in reply to

I can't put I like this comment because knowing what they put you through makes me angry & sad at the same time. The way these assessments are carried out has got to be against our human rights surely?

I really wish I didn't go through that, I have gone 10 thousands steps back just because I asked for help,

Didn't take my son to school today because I feel it's wrong to ask other people to help me because I feel so rubbish, these people really have no idea the impact they cause people x

Lupiknits profile image
Lupiknits in reply to Lisalou19

Interesting. Human Rights Act, Disability Discrimination Act, cruel and unusual punishment. The swine x

Lisalou19 profile image
Lisalou19 in reply to Lupiknits

The fact that there are cameras every where is disgusting! Aren't you meant to be told your being filmed? X

Lupiknits profile image
Lupiknits in reply to Lisalou19

I thought they were mainly outside ( in case you skip up there, then bend double) and in the waiting area? The assessors should have surveillance cameras trained on them. I’d give permission.

Lisalou19 profile image
Lisalou19 in reply to Lupiknits

There were cameras in the waiting area and up every corner of the walk ways to the room. And no camera in the room allowing them to lie!

But still if there is any element of you being recorded you have to be told. Epic fail x

Krazykat26 profile image

They want us to focus on the good days in order to trip us up..coz let's face it good days for us a rare..n we usually buzz about it..well I do anyway!!

I think the next time mine comes up I'm gonna view the assessor as a violent mugger..coz that's what seem like to me!! No wonder the 'assessors' r no longer working as the 'health professionals' they claim to be!!

U had support from social services so a reliable witness if things all go t*ts up!!

Put it behind u now if u can..u went n did it..n now u need to's in the lap of the gods..n if u do get it..u will get more help for your sitch..mad I know but this is 'the system' unfortunately xx

fabwheelie profile image

The DWP benefits system is a total disgrace. I get ESA but needed welfare rights officer to help me appeal to be put in the correct ESA group . In the past I've not met the "criteria" for PIP ( when it was DLA) as in past I've "managed" self care and not needed much outside help, but I do think I would now be entitled to some PIP, ( probably not the mobility part as they are extremely strict in how they assess that) I'm currently doing background research so that when I come to make a claim I have all my "evidence' all ready gathered, and so I can fill on the form with the best possible chance of putting the "help" I need and get, into "assesment speak", so I get the PIP "points" to qualify.

I've been putting off applying because it plays havoc with my mental health, and I do need to pick a "time to apply" when I've the best possible chance to stay well, and pace myself doing the application.

If you are a member of the charity Lupus UK you can get free access to download the guides by the organisation "benefits and work" which help explain the assessment process, tips for best possible chance of successful claim etc.

Also be aware the system is so bad most people are assessed incorrectly initially, I believe the mandatory reconsideration they make people do is probably a "paper exercise" / one extra "hoop they need us to jump", as rarely does the MR alter the decision, so people have to appeal. However many cases ( I understand it's 60 to 70% of cases) win on appeal so obviously the initial assessment is often incorrect and is totally flawed

Lisalou19 profile image
Lisalou19 in reply to fabwheelie

Personally if I knew then what I know now I would have asked for it to be recorded. It was relentless interrogation. I've still not got over it. There was nothing in place to protect my mental health, I feel completely let down.

I currently can't even be around my own children right now because I don't want them to see me so low.

They dont seem to care about your bad days and what you can't do, they go on what you can do on your good days.

I manage to get my son to school some days not every day. It's degrading that I can't do a mothers duty every day, but because you can do it some days they get super keyboard happy.

Please make sure you protect yourself as much as you can xx

msporridge profile image

I am so sorry to hear this Lisalou. I've just gone through an ESA re- assessment thankfully just paper based then no sooner had I sent that off then my PIP arrived 1 year early for re-assessment. I was in for 1 1/2 hrs, I was crying for some of it. But apparently I was well presented, made good eye contact and could pick up my handbag and unzip it! Big handles and huge pull tab, not mentioned. I was turned down and now going through mandatory reconsideration.

This experience has made me very mentally unwell. The assessor seemed friendly, if somewhat nit picky and long winded but they are what we used to call HR (apologies any nice HR folk here) smiling assassins.

The way they interpret the forms, you would need to be dead to qualify except for then you wouldn't need it on account of being dead. Like a monty python sketch only depressingly real.

It is not you being over sensitive, they are trying to break people, it seems like a deliberate policy to me . And rake in their bonuses of course.

I wish I could send some more words to help, but keep on fighting, I am fighting alongside you and I'm sure many more of us are too xx

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