Something I’ve Dreaded: A Fall (I’m OK though) - LUPUS UK


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Something I’ve Dreaded: A Fall (I’m OK though)

Lupiknits profile image
21 Replies

It’s exceptionally cold here and I wasn’t particularly looking forward to taking the Blue boy out for his little careful walk.

I went to get three thermal layers on, and was making the bed when I tripped and fell. Elbow, heel of hand, base of thumb, knee and shin got the worst of it. On the positive side, it wasn’t my dodgy knee, I’ve put non slip rugs around the bed so I had a little padding to fall on ( I have wooden floors) and hey, my reflexes work fast enough not to land face or head first. Also have an excuse not to brave the cold 🥶

Nothing is broken, though it shook me up. My friend is calling in later anyway, and knowing her, she will demand a close scrutiny! Both sons are in the Far East but know and trust her well.

I remember to carry my mobile 99% of the time and have discovered how to call 999 silently/secretly so that they know it isn’t a prank.

Scary ( it’s my secret fear because I live alone) but OK x

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Lupiknits profile image
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21 Replies
Barnclown profile image

Scary is right...glad you posted LK! Even so, you’re coping really relieved your friend is coming!

TAKE CARE ❤️🍀❤️🍀❤️🍀

PMRpro profile image

Are you sure you're OK? Paramedics are good at dealing with this sort of worthy call - beats a puking drunk any day. So call them if you need to. xxxx

eekt profile image

Frightening indeed, maybe worth having a check over? Just in case some strapping would help prevent very sore bits?

Are there any dog borrowers coming the next couple of days, so you don't have to do Blue's little walk.

Take care xxx

Lupiknits profile image

1. Will get checked over if worse but friend and I are pretty sure it’s OK . Friend would frogmarch me if she’d been worried

2. Blue’s eyesight at the moment is too poor for a borrower. I know every bit of wall, hedge, and gatepost that’s at a strange angle so I can steer him on the regular short walks. He has very good road sense but wandered off the grass verge into the road unknowingly yesterday. Fortunately I live on a Crescent where only people who live there drive and drive slowly. x

honeybug profile image


Lisalou19 profile image

Hope your ok lovely.

Do you have neighbours that could help you out incase of an emergency ? X

Lupiknits profile image
Lupiknits in reply to Lisalou19

I do! Mr Nextdoor has MS and I have my problems. Our houses are semi-detached so it’s possible, if in the right place, to bang on the wall. We have each other’s keys. A couple of times I’ve heard a crash, then silence and have gone round because Mrs Nextdoor is out at work. Each time he’d broken something heavy by dropping it, but it’s our mini alarm system.

My best friend also has my key and carries her mobile at all times if needed. If she can’t get there, there’s a circle of friends to be called on to help.

Lisalou19 profile image
Lisalou19 in reply to Lupiknits

That’s reassuring

As I’m on my own with the kids I always worry incase something happens. Both neighbours are aware of my situation. It’s good to not feel so alone.

Having said that my son put his skateboard at the bottom of the stairs a few weeks back and I went flying. All the kids did was laugh uncontrollably for about half an hour 😅x

whisperit profile image

Definitely take PMRPros advice should it happen again, and call 999. Last time I fretted about doing that and was so glad I did. It gets so draining to be looking after oneself and having always to be making judgement calls without help. The paramedics checked me over, reassured me about some things and (before taking me to hospital!) pointed out others that really should be higher on my 'watch list' . That was actually a really helpful way of triangulating my own judgements about risk and how unwell I was/am. And there is something incredibly soothing and cheering to be looked after by people who speak to you with respect, humour and compassion - and paramedics are tops at that, in my experience! x

Lupiknits profile image
Lupiknits in reply to whisperit

Will do! I have a horror of being kept in hospital, but will do! x

whisperit profile image
whisperit in reply to Lupiknits

Oh yes, hospital stays are only for the direst emergency. You could try, "No I won't go into hospital. But I *would* like a cup of tea thank you" x

Lupiknits profile image
Lupiknits in reply to whisperit

Good one. Will try it, alongside “ my blood pressure is always low” .

GloomyEeyore profile image

Hope that you are ok Lupiknits. Sending you a big cyber hug. Xx

maggielee profile image

Do feel better, watch out for any possible bruising, may be worse tomorrow...

Have had a few falls of late, not nice...last one was carrying bags in a hotel & I bounced off the wall with my head & had bruising on my arm & bottom (even though wearing layers of clothes).... Was pleased not to have reception call an I was away for work and just wanted to rest after driving to get there...

Wondered if we lose our coordination with our various symptoms, meds, not scaling sides of rocks sad 😢 tripping over my own feet....👣👞👞👟👟

Rest up...but shocking to our poor bodies....

Hope Blue is ok too, can manage a quick walk or two...🐕

Lupiknits profile image
Lupiknits in reply to maggielee

Thank you. That poor dog! Needed his last wee but it was dark and he couldn’t see a thing. Fortunately I have a large flashlight that I’d hidden because otherwise they tend to vanish at festivals.

I have banged my elbow on going through door frames recently. Maybe more clumsy?

maggielee profile image

I wonder about my eye/hand coordination when I bounced off a door frame 🤹, I think clumsy is a good way to describe it (I thought of myself in worse terminology)...

Give blue a hug for me...

I have littered my house with torches, coming from a disaster prepared family in various parts of the world 🌎 & occasional black outs 🔦 here 🌆... Daughter has enough of them from me to leave me a the imagine of a festival....

Hug to you too ml 🤗

Lupiknits profile image

Big hugs back. Flashlight, two small touches that can widen the beam, and more candles than the Vatican 😉

Lorelei profile image

That is scary!

I’m so glad you are okay, but keep close watch on your injuries! You know what funny reactions we lupies sometimes have.

I hope you’ll soon be back up and around and able to enjoy getting outdoors with Blue. Let’s hope that warmer spring weather arrives soon!

Take care!


Sorry - late to this as succumbed to full on flu somehow.

Scary re fall - always shakes me up now as I’m not on my own all the time but hubby works long shifts and can’t be accessed while working different places each time - neighbours are often away and we have only lived here for a few years. We only have contact with the elderly ones who have our key but hide away so hard to get them to answer phone or react unless it’s a fire or flood.

So even though I’m not single I wouldn’t say I’ve got a lifeline when hubby not here. I am starting to make good friends but not yet ones I feel I could phone in emergencies. Your neighbour/friend set up sounds pretty impressive to me.

Bit incoherent today but big hugs hope your friend found you “okay” if badly bruised. Xx

Lupiknits profile image
Lupiknits in reply to

Thank you Twitchy. Yes, I’m fortunate with my emergency network. My knee is just bruised, no swelling, today.

I do hope your fluey thing gets better xx

Lupiknits profile image

Thanks. Always do my best. Just watching Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris going up in flames. Makes you think on .

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