When your friend sends you this and you just think "yep thats me"
Who can relate to this photo . It did make me ch... - LUPUS UK
Who can relate to this photo . It did make me chuckle. This is so me :-)

I’ve seen this before! It’s brilliant and perfect for me! My bloods are always normal!!!!!
Oh really? I’m having the same problem.
They have admitted finally that I have a connective tissue disease which is helpful but they don’t know what one.
I’m happy that I’m being treated, but I also feel like I’m stuck in no mans land at the same time x
I’m the other way round! My bloods aren’t right and loads of symptoms but they don’t relate to what bloods say 🙄 if this makes sense... have bloods that say Scleroderma and symptoms lupus 🙄

I’ve heard from others that their bloods say scleroderma but they don’t have the symptoms for it. X
I had a positive ANA, ENA & Anti-RO at the beginning of diagnosis in October 2013. Since then I have any had one other positive ANA in July 2016. I have had a skin biopsy which showed lupus too. But otherwise my bloods are always normal. I have struggled at home because when telling local rheumies, I have this pain or ache or I am still fatigued or having bad headaches or memory issues, they do not believe me as my blood don't show anything. But when I see my lupus doctor in London he understands that just because my bloods aren't showing anything, doesn't mean I am symptoms free. Local doctors lack the lupus knowledge and so don't get it. They seem to think I am in remission and can lead a normal life. If only. Have you never had any positive blood test results or biopsies? x
Only positive I have had is for myosotis. I believe if this is the case it has progressed on from what ever else is going on.
I have a couple of skin biopsies but not on the typical face rash I get, due to not being at the hospital at the same time as having the rash. These come back inconclusive. Typical me .
Hospitals did try arrange for me to attend for a biopsy when symptoms flared but each time they would ring me back 2 days later, which wasn’t helpful at all.
😂 xx
I looked like this when I had my first, and worst!, flare. Four local gp’s told me I ‘must have reacted to something and was over the worst’ before I managed to find one who recognised it as lupus and referred me to a dermatologist.
Omg yes me to !!!!! Love and Light xxx