Correlation of lupus to silicone breast implants - LUPUS UK


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Correlation of lupus to silicone breast implants

Czarns1 profile image
19 Replies

With the latest news reports linking silicone breast implants to signs and symptoms of autoimmune diseases such as lupus, has anyone here investigated that correlation of your disease and potential cause from the implants? I was diagnosed with lupus last year and my signs and symptoms started two to three years ago. However three years ago I had silicon breast implanted. There is so much research supporting this correlation, just curious as I look for answers

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Czarns1 profile image
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19 Replies
eekt profile image

Hi Czarns1, this research study is from earlier this month: 'Silicone breast implant patients face greatly increased risk of autoimmune disease'


Czarns1 profile image
Czarns1 in reply to eekt

In the US the FDA just reported this week that 1 in 1000 women are affected but this report is even much larger 1 in 4.. this is so scary, to think all my symptoms potentially have been caused my impants, with no prior warning from the MD.. Thanks for sharing

eekt profile image
eekt in reply to Czarns1

XOX Have you a Rheumy appointment set up to discuss this? Or a chat with your GP? xxx

KayHimm profile image
KayHimm in reply to eekt

I just read that women with autoimmune disease and women with a family history of autoimmune disease were excluded from the studies. At a minimum, shouldn’t surgeons have told certain women that their risk was as yet unclear? I fear Botox is next. Dermatologists keep suggesting Botox for my forehead wrinkles. I decline even though it seems safe for patients with autoimmune disease.

Czarns1 profile image
Czarns1 in reply to eekt

I have my quarterly appointment with my rheumy Jan 7th, I am pulling all my medical records, MRIs, Ultrasound and mammos for him to review..

eekt profile image
eekt in reply to Czarns1

Willing a positive outcome Czarns1, try not to stress - hard i know - but stress is the enemy of autoimmunity. Keep posting, you'll find lots of support here xxx

KayHimm profile image
KayHimm in reply to Czarns1

It is very scary and unfortunate. My sense is they have been studying this correlation for a long time with conflicting results. It looks like new studies are showing a correlation. When you had your implants, the evidence was in the other direction, so your doctor likely would not mention it. I can’t imagine how betrayed you must feel that the medical community did not do a better job of protecting women. Do talk to your rheumatologist. Would removal maybe improve your symptoms?

Lupiknits profile image
Lupiknits in reply to eekt

I know a number of women opting for implants after breast cancer surgery. It’s scandalous that they haven’t been told of this extra risk.

eekt profile image
eekt in reply to Lupiknits

There was research in 1992 showing risks but that was then contradicted by further research in the mid-nineties - wonder who sponsored it - saying everything is ok. The latest research - the link - is from this month.

There have been a few posts about implants - any kind, post-fracture metalwork, dental - triggering a flare or autoimmunity.

I read a paper recently about the autoimmune body treating a fertilised egg implanting in the womb as a foreign body xxx

Lupiknits profile image
Lupiknits in reply to eekt

They’ve known or had an idea, for too long. Reminds me how long it took for the risks of smoking to become irrefutable.

eekt profile image
eekt in reply to Lupiknits

Aye, and none of the directors of British American Tobacco smoked since it was set up in

Flueby profile image

These responses are interesting nd thought provoking. I had Graves disease in my 20s. 10 years ago i had 7 failed IVf attempts followed by implant reconstruction following breast cancer 7 years ago and them mesh repair for bilateral hernia 4 years ago. My 1st Lupus flare was soon after the first reconstruction but it was not known what it was then although 1 of the differential diagnoses was that I was rejecting the implants! ! Given me lots to think about!!

glasgow-girl profile image

Hello, My Lupus was diagnosed 1996 and I got a breast cancer diagnosis in 2003. After a radical mastectomy, the consultant assured me reconstruction would be safe but I had read so many articles before 2003, about implants causing autoimmune disease, that I wasn’t happy to take the risk. Medical professionals do not always know what is best, I think there is every chance the implants could have been a trigger for your Lupus.

Czarns1 profile image
Czarns1 in reply to glasgow-girl

I feel confident the silicone implants were the trigger of the Lupus and all the ongoing symptoms.. It is so disappointing to think in the past I was on the search for the best breast implant doctor in the area, not I am on the search for the best explant doctor.

glasgow-girl profile image
glasgow-girl in reply to Czarns1

That is a shame, I hope your Lupus is being managed well. Good Luck with everything.

KayHimm profile image

One thing you might ask about is fat transfer breast reconstruction. In your case, if they feel you could improve after implant removal, you might qualify for a medically covered new procedure. Do you have a family history of autoimmune disease?

panda2 profile image

Hi there,

This is HUGELY relevant to me, thank you so much for posting!

I had only just heard of this after eekt's post a couple weeks ago. That was mind-blowing because, like glasgow-girl, I was offered reconstruction after bilateral mastectomy for breast cancer in 2012. I had BRCA1 discovered during my chemo due to the suspicions over my sister and I both getting cancer at the same time. We were in different countries with different treatment approaches. She in Canada, where there is no reconstruction offered until a year later. She opted out. I'm in the UK where it is offered immediately and though I was reluctant, I was convinced this was a good idea as it would make things seem as normal as possible after. I now have combi saline and silicone implants. And I have an autoimmune disease (UCTD) and my sister doesn't............. The mildest symptoms could have easily started from that point. We were blaming it on the chemo. But this really is shedding a light.

I will be very curious what your Rheumy says Czarns1. I will have an appointment with mine in late Jan and perhaps we can compare notes. My onco breast surgeon could have more info now, but I don't see her again until Aug.

I guess what I'd like to know is if removing the implants would make a difference or if it's too late once the autoimmune disease has begun?

All the best as you sleuth your way through this too.

Panda x

Lisalou19 profile image
Lisalou19 in reply to panda2

There is a woman on Instagram called, saraontheinternet she blogs about her removal after becoming unwell once she had implants. She reports on much better health since removing them.

I guess if we look at the bigger picture, auto immune diseases attack us as they see things as foreign objects in our body. Imagine how it responds when you do add something foreign !!!! I have non stop gum disease, and I posted on here about it, someone made reference to fillings, and to my surprise in only get the gum disease on the side I have metal fillings!!!!!

panda2 profile image
panda2 in reply to Lisalou19

Thanks for this info Lisalou19. I looked up the sara girl. And that's really interesting about the bleeding gums and the metal fillings. Much, much to think about...

P x

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