My hand and wrist joints ache easily, especially my thumb and forefinger. I've (probably stupidly) just booked a drawing class and wondering if anyone finds the same and if you can please recommend any supports or tips to help prevent or lessen it.
Can anyone recommend hand or wrist supports to he... - LUPUS UK
Can anyone recommend hand or wrist supports to help with pain while writing and drawing?

I wear futuro splints for most things (I think they are called?!) the ones for wrists with thumb extension bit.
Otherwise I have ones made by the occupational therapist that are specifically moulded.
So helpful, thank you. Is there a specific brand for futuro splints that's meant to be good? x
Mine are Jura medical or actimove as I prefer the black or navy as don’t show all dirt! And some of the beige ones are really cheap fabric
Mine were made up for me by OT - I have Jura black ones and night resting splints which are fab - my new OT made the left one but I need it altered as it starts to dig in after ten minutes - will be adjusted by him next week. X

Thank you x
Before I was DX'd almost a year ago, my hands and wrists and elbows were So horribly painful...Srtange in a VERY good way, I began Plaquinal last September and I have no pain to speak of....I do watercolors and heavy gardening..I am so happy I can do it with out excruciating pain....Before DX and Hydroxychloriqhine(Plaquinal) I was afraid that along with the sun, painting and gardening would be a thing of the past...Are you on medication?? I hope you find an answer for you pain Xx
I am pleased to hear this. I take Hydroxychloroquine too and my hands are also so much better than when I was first diagnosed too but often still painful (on a lesser scale) drawing, writing etc.. Thank you so much. I'm going to look into the above recommended supports too. x
I find that if I rub a gel like Deepfreeze or Biofreeze into my joints just before I start a task it really helps, plus Co-codamol (not for everyone). Since I have been on small regular amounts of Turmeric my joints are much improved. Enjoy the classes!
I bought a couple of support gloves from Amazon a couple of years ago initially for carpel tunnel. I found them more useful to wear for pain in my wrists, backs of my hands and thumb bases and they keep my hands warm at the same time. Got them on now