Apart from using the mouth guard at night time what else can I do to make my jaw better? Should I contact my dentist? My jaw is very painful and affects my ear too. Xx
Tmj symptoms : Apart from using the mouth guard at... - LUPUS UK
Tmj symptoms

You should see dentist as soon as you can you may have infection or secondary infection
Ive got to tell you tulip , i was been treated for Tmj for 18 months and got quite an expensive mouth guard made that was of no help !! I had alot of pain and swelling in my jaw that wasn’t setting. I was eventually seen by a dental surgeon and after further tests and scan of of salivary glands he told me I should see a rheumatologist as my gland on one side was quite badly damaged leading to alot of swelling which was causing infection. The rheumy did bloods and i was diagnosed with Sjögrens . By the way i also had sore ears and throat . By the time the rheumy seen me i was in a massive flare and glands all over my body were very enlarged .
I had Sialography of parotid gland. A dye was put in and scan taken under radiography guidance , it was organised by dental surgeon. I had been having test under general medicine and they advised me to see surgeon, then seen by rheumatologist. The scan helped with diagnosis and the dye helped to clear salivary gland a bit as well . I was also shown how to massage the gland if swelling comes back , which it does every so often sjogrens.org/files/brochure...
Hello tulipano, I think its a very good idea to see your dentist as they are the mouth experts
rather than the GP who will just give you pain killers. You are having a very bad time at present, and I hope things improve for you. Best wishes x
Your symptoms could be from jaw misalignment, teeth misalignment, your neck, or all of the above. I had jaw and teeth problems. I was previously not much of a proponent of chiropractic, but a good chiropractor can adjust your occiput (bones on back of your head that can cause some of your symptoms), as well as adjusting your neck and your jaw. If your bite is off, this can cause jaw problems too. Fixing my bite, my neck and using botox in my jaw stopped my jaw pain and headaches.
I agree you should first of all see your dentist. I have a mouth guard and my dentist taught me how to massage for tmj. Do it several times a day. Here is a link colgate.com/en-us/oral-heal...
There are YouTube videos also x
I had TMJ for years and years. I go to the dentist regularly but one day, after I mentioned it, he did an X-ray of a back tooth and found a root infection. Once that was sorted the TMJ disappeared. I used to have to rub the jaw, and area up to my ear, take pain killers and generally just put up with it. Not any more. It could be a small infection but it can have a big impact. See your dentist. Bite plates also help if you have irregular bites and grind at night.
I very much doubt if there is infection , there is a very simple exercise that I'm sure a decent dental person can show you , it involves holding your chin whilst opening your mouth, very simple and totally effective I have had almost no problems since I was shown this, Many very confused people on here relating ear pain to this condition.