Private consultation (I’m lucky enough to be able to claim back this cost from work) at Alexandra Cheadle with recommended rheumy. Seemed more fixated on my latest issue - Thunderclap and chronic headaches that resulted in Limbar punctures and resulting post dural headache than anything else. Said it’s all neurological and tried to pass me off to a neurologist. I asked what he thought about my on going rheumy symptoms and he replied he was baffled cos they didn’t add up to any one thing.
Where did this tick list diagnosis come from, what about me and my real health problems? I’m a shadow of my former self. Even a car journey and buying a sandwich in Morrison’s yesterday resulted in a 2.5 hour ‘nap’ and this morning I’m totally wiped out. Bugger ... I’ve actually started crying.
Anyway managed to get full MRI and nerve function tests booked in. His last comment was ‘Looks like it might be viral’. Grrrrrrr!!!!!
Back to GP on Monday. Sigh.