My numbers were too high, and the doc wants me to take levothyroxine. I've never been on a prescription before, so I'm wondering what others have to say about it. Thanks in advance!
Anyone take LEVOTHYROXINE for thyroid problems? - LUPUS UK
Anyone take LEVOTHYROXINE for thyroid problems?
I have had an underactive thyroid for over 20 yrs and take Thyroxine. What would you like to know about it ? I'm happy to help if I can.
I have been on levothyroxine for an underactive thyroid for years and it is a life saver! Without it I would slowly grind to a halt! It is easy to take with no side effects. You will likely need blood tests while it is titrated up to a dose that works for you . x
I have been on levothyroxine for the last year. Noticeable improvement in my energy levels and I haven’t experienced any side affects. Like you I hadn’t been on any prescription meds long term previously.
My doctor wanted me to take levothyroxine, but I felt it wasn't right for me and I refused in 2009. Another doctor felt it was Hashimoto's, so levothyroxine could have been dangerous for me and it also contained lactose to which I am allergic. Go by your gut instinct or seek information about all approaches. I prefer natural approaches using the right diet for me.
Thanks everyone for your help with this!!! Your friendly words are very much appreciated 😁
You are welcome
Hi, my daughter has prolactinoma and has also just been told she has an underactive thyroid and needs to go on levothyroxine which she will start next week. She is also being tested for Hashimotos too. Carr please can you tell me why it could be dangerous to take levothyroxine if you have Hashimotos? I'm sorry but I haven't done any research yet and came across this post when I was looking at arthritis related posts (I have psoriatic arthritis). Many thanks.
Just a thought, you say your numbers are too high.
There are a few results they look at; TSH rises when thyroid struggling, TT4 lowers when thyroid struggling,FT4 lowers when thyroid struggling, FT3 is the one used by the body and the range is 4- 8.3.
If you have hypothythroidism you are given levothyroxine to replace what you are missing.
If you have hyper thyroidism or Graves disease they may give you medication to stop your own thyroid from working and then give you levothyroxine to replace it, at a dose that can be regulated In either case regular blood tests are necessary. I have low thyroid, my son has Graves. Both of us are much better with treatment.
TSH was 67. Just went through my first day of Levothyroxine 75mcg. I am really awake and a little jittery. Usually I've been sleeping now for a couple hours, but I feel more like jogging. I appreciate the extra energy, but wow.... where's the pause button?
Did it take long for you to adjust?