Hi all as anyone had the problem of bloods taken for tests clotting b4 the labs can test them. My daughter' has had 2 in 2 weeks do this. Has had to have another one done today. She was test last year for anti p but I was positive the other negative. Any ideas people.
Blood tests: Hi all as anyone had the problem of... - LUPUS UK
Blood tests

Really - that can only be put down to an incompetent person taking the bloods. The lab states which sample bottle should be used for which test and the bottles come with lines on to indicate how much blood is to be added to ensure the right proportion of the anticoagulant which is already measured into the bottle to blood. Then the bottle must be mixed thoroughly but gently (to avoid damaging the red cells) to ensure it is all through the blood sample.
It is a skill - but it isn't rocket science! If the doctor can't get it right then ask about your daughter having it done at the lab - because that solves all the problems except you having to get there.
Thank you i am hoping the one taken today is ok . she dislikes blood test and bruises quite badly so really dont want another 1 so soon 3 in 2weeks is enough
How old is she? No-one likes blood tests really but for young people it is even worse I think.
If she is bruising badly - that suggests poor technique too. When a child/adolescent is involved the person taking the blood should be even more skilled and careful.
It was a job I liked - but you come across all sorts of situations! Hope today was a good one.
She is 21 but prior to being tested/diagnosed with lupus and never had a blood test. She is very anxious about the test but knows they are a necesity but I still have to go with her to destract her and keep her calm.
They also struggle every time to find a good vein
Oh dear! Know that - after having chemotherapy my husband was a phlebotomists nightmare. In the UK they always struggled and often ended up having to use the back of his hand or even feet - and that is not nice. Since we moved here to Italy it is a whole different world - they NEVER miss. We have nurses who work in the phlebotomy clinic and that is all they do. It makes such a difference.