I've always joked we'd be several centuries back in time if the electricity went off. Yesterday evening the house was plunged into darkness. I grabbed the trusty torch always by my side to check my fuses, then realised the whole street was pitch dark. Instant panic from me, imagining I'd freeze to death. Raynaud's 😱 Instant panic from dog, who was very frightened,
My lovely neighbour came round with a large flashlight and candles. The candles I didn't need. I think I may have more than the Vatican. She did get the job of pulling out my dustbin though.
The good news is I wasn't in the shower when it happened. The bad news is I'd been making my special heart attack rice pudding and it's edible but not special, The other good news, but not for my son, is that he has to buy me a decent flashlight. The previous three were lost at festivals.
The moral is, yes, the leckie is important. ⭐️