I need a bit of advice about one of my sons who is 21. He has lumps in his muscle in his shoulder with pain for 5-6 months he has had an MRI which has not show anything conclusive other than some lymph node inflammation but his blood tests indicate connective tissue disease . He has been referred urgently to rheumatology . My son cant remember which test was abnormal and the gp cant say what is causing the swelling. Would anyone have any ideas what would be the cause . I will ensure i go in with him to to rheumy appointment. He has no other symptoms though he does have scheumanns disease which gives him back pain . I would really appreciate any comments or ideas , thank you 🌸🌸🌸
Lumpy shoulder ?: I need a bit of advice about one... - LUPUS UK
Lumpy shoulder ?

So sorry you and your son have this worry hanging over you Weathervane. I don't suppose there is much to be gained from guessing and you may worry unnecessarily about possibilities we suggest. But if your son is really worrying then perhaps he could go back to the GP and ask - and this time get GP to write down positive test results? X

Thank you , you cant help wondering and then beating yourself up about having a bad gene pool ! At the minute these are the only symptoms so it could be a one off flare up , but as you say there is no point in speculating. Have you recovered yet from you trip ?
It is really hard when it comes to our own flesh and blood I know. It's easier when it's happening to us because we can ask - but with our loved ones we aren't in control so much harder.
You can't help your gene pool W! Mine is really duff but only in terms of health - we all achieve loads while we are on the planet and that's what counts!
Not home yet. In a nice hotel near Preston after traffic jams the length of the M6. Lots of snoozing for me but poor old hubby...!X

Thanks for that xx its difficult when it involves your boys . I hope you have a nice safe journey home xxx
Very difficult. Young men can be extra reticent about their health too. But he's sought help and is seeing an expert so that's the most important thing Mxx
HI WV, so sorry to hear your son also has an AI disease. How bad is his Scheumann's disease? Has he had surgery to correct his back? You probably won't get good answers until the Rheumatologist does testing.
How is the rash?
Hi there , hope you are keeping well at the moment . My sons back is more painful at times than anything else he hasn't had to have a brace or surgery , will just have to wait and see what rheumy says . Its the wait that's frustrating! The rash has gone , i think it was the drops for thrush that caused it . Now ive just had a call from gp 5 minutes ago that my white cell count is down again and i have to stop the plaquenil until i get bloods checked on Monday and get the results ☹️. Im worried about stopping the plaquenil as it may cause withdrawal symptoms , have you ever had to stop it . This maybe explains why im feeling tired the last couple of days. This illness constantly throws things at you 😞
I do hope the rheumatologist give you some answers and it's treatable. He's so young to have to deal with illness. I worry about my daughter also having this when she gets older. I usually get blood work done once or twice a year and have never been told my white count is down. Does Plaquenil cut down on white blood cells? I thought it more interfered with their process somehow. Low white counts explains why you got thrush.
The plaquenil can be a cause plus the rituximab. It had gone down a few weeks after last infusion but had gone up a bit again . When I first started on treatment i had one chest infection after another but that settled down . You cant help wondering about your kids as these autoimmune conditions can run in families but you just have to deal with things as they come along and hope for the best xx
I would bet more on the rituximab treatment lowering the count and maybe combined with plaquenil is too much so it needs to build back up some. It's funny that we need what we're trying to fight off with medicine. LOL I hope and your son feel better quickly. keep us posted.