Just found this site as I was looking up why I sometimes forget the names of things stupid things that I know the names of but can't spit them out when trying to tell my husband about. Only really just noticed how bad it's become because my husband did the eye rolling thing and threw his arms in the air like I had lost my mind.
Am I losing it: Just found this site as I was... - LUPUS UK
Am I losing it

I have the same issue but I've never had a great memory. Only recently have I become worried it is getting worse. I've apparently asked my partner whether she wanted a cuppa and then, not even one minute later asked her the same question again. I had no recollection even talking to her... I've also become confused in strange situations, where I forget what I'm doing and why I'm doing it... my partner was just as understanding calling me "10 second Tom" (from the film 50 1st Dates). Lol
I had it really bad for a little while. They pills have helped so not as bad but still get it often. Very forgetful and people have learned to finish sentences or questions for me now.

Hi Donnalee65,
Welcome to the LUPUS UK HealthUnlocked Community!
We offer a free information pack that you can download or request here: lupusuk.org.uk/request-info...
Forgetfulness, difficulty in articulating thoughts and memory impairment are common symptoms that are associated with lupus; it is referred to as ‘brain fog’ or ‘lupus fog’ by people with lupus. Stress, anxiety and fatigue as well as other factors can contribute to the causes of brain fog, to find out more, you can read our blog article ‘Coping with Brain Fog’ here: lupusuk.org.uk/coping-with-...
Please let us know how you get on, wishing you all the best.
Always mention these changes to your doctor just incase but I would say that most of us experience some degree of brain fog. My memory was very good, I had psychometric testing which was tiring, but it proved that there was also an area of damage to my brain which was caused by the lupus. I now have good and bad days, but on the whole as my symptoms improve so does my memory.
You could be dehydrated - especially in hot weather this can happen and it happens to me if I spend too long on the computer even though it is wired. I find exercise helps my brain function better, but not at times of highest temperature.