So I go for my appeal this Friday....Only given seven days notice an have to travel over an hour to got there. Has anyone got any advice or tips as I know I'm going to fall to pieces. I'm Terrified.. Thanks in advance
PIP...: So I go for my appeal this Friday....Only... - LUPUS UK

Best of luck
Hi, sorry I can't give any advice, I've just put my mandatory reconsideration in and suspect I'll be going down your road . I wish you all the best, good luck and hope it goes in your favour
Hi Beverley
Good luck for your assessment, hope you get good result. Sorry can't help further. X
Thank You All will let you know what happens.
Just be as thorough as you can about your condition and how it affects your life. Take someone with you. Remember you are telling the truth and this is about your quality of life so don't be dismissed. Polite but clear and firm is my advice. I really hope it goes well for you. There are some lovely people on the tribunal bench in my experience and they are not paid by the DWP
ensure you convey the msg clearly that your condition varies & that they need to hear what it is like when u r feeling at your worst. You should take someone with you to support but also to convey msg that you need help. Also this might sound petty but you should be careful about your appearance- looking smart, make-up, jewellery, carrying a handbag will count against you. Also journey wise it's better to have someone take you than travel independently & make sure you use any walking aids etc. One person on this forum got rejected as she'd walked from the car park & the judge said she'd have to walk back so on those grounds didnt qualify. On the other hand I failed my assessment but won my appeal when the judge read my case & they rang up on the day & said I didn't need to attend! So fingers crossed for you, all the best!
Thank You, my husband is taking me so will be there as he has to look after me. I had hand surgery on 19 June and I cant walk at moment and use a wheelchair due to a hip problem, so cant get there on my own and if I did used public transport not sure how... id have to go the day before to get there on time.
We have a friend who has a degenerative illness which already prevents her from walking; she gets about her ground floor flat using 2 elbow crutches and her range is about 300 yds [max], but our Peterborough DWP office told her to come in and see them and just kept sending her wads of application forms to complete as a response to everything she returned.
After two months of this, we connected her with our local MP, who we know, and he sorted it all out for her in a week!
Well that's it all over.....Was not as bad as I had expected but not nice all the same. My condition has got a lot worse but they only took into consideration how I was when I had initial interview last October. They have awarded me the lower rate mobility and advised that although I'm worse now it would be better to wait until my next review as I could lose everything and have to go through all this again.... its bloody madness.