Cellulitis caused by cracked skin from Lupus SLE? - LUPUS UK


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Cellulitis caused by cracked skin from Lupus SLE?

13 Replies

I am suffering from cellulitis. This is the first time I have had it. Its on both legs and its horrible. I am on antibotics.

But reading about this, it says dry cracked skin can cause the bacteria get in. I have had lupus SLE and RA for 4 years, I am on Hydroxy, MTX 12.5mg injections and other meds.

But I cannot find anything to soothe and repair my skin, I have tried lots but to no avail.

Its mainly my legs/feet and hands in the summer that suffer. Does anyone know of any treatments I could use when I have recovered from Cellulitis.


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13 Replies
Barnclown profile image

Hello azsharalupus

So sorry you've got this happening...as I understand it, yes, you're right: cracked skin can & does predispose all immune dysfunction patients to cellulitis infection....especially in the extremities where circulation is often poorer e.g. lower legs, feet. Diabetics in particular have to be extra cautious about this, but we do too

I've only had one bad cellulitis session due to an insect bite...I hope I never have to have another bout of cellulitis

You're being v proactive 👍👍👍👍 My feeling is that your gp is best placed to advise you which treatments to use on your cracked skin. In fact, you're due prescription treatments for such troubled skin.

The OTC ranges from Aveeno & L'occitane are favs in my house

On prescription, I like the diomed range:


Others like doublebase gel:


The diprobase range is said to be v good:


Hope something in there helps

🍀🍀🍀🍀 coco

in reply to Barnclown

Thank you for your reply.

I see my consultant in a couple of weeks, so I will tell him and get him hopefully to prescribe me something. In the meantime I will try the diprobase range from my local chemist. I will ask him about the other treatments you have provided me with.

If you dont mind can I ask about how your cellulitis responded to treatment, I have been on antobotics for over 24 hours, and the redness has toned down slightly now, but still feel a hotness inside my legs, will this gradually go?

Thank you again :)

Barnclown profile image
Barnclown in reply to

Funnily enough, a non-lupus friend of mine just phoned to say she has been diagnosed with cellulitis. Her gp diagnosed cellulitis & put her on flucloxacillin. When her condition didn't show clear signs of improvement within 24 hours she went to A&E...they doubled her dose of flucloxacillin & said come back in 24 for IV antibiotics if no clear signs of improvement...so she may go to A&E tomorrow....

My cellulitis immediately began to respond to high dose oral flucloxacillin within the first 3 days of treatment, but I did need 2 full weeks on fluclox.

Take care! You're right to be v cautious & proactive!

Please let us know how you get on


webar4780 profile image

Hi azsharalupus,

I agree, it is important to keep skin moist, but as you are currently suffering with cellulite, perhaps best if you contact your antibiotic prescribed?

To be safe, it is better to have a phone, or face to face, discussion, and ensure you are using a product that is prescribed, whilst you recover.

Hopefully, you will soon be recovered enough to maintain your skin with a product of your liking. The skin is our first line of defence and deserves to be treated well every day.

Take care. X

in reply to webar4780

Thank you for your reply.

I see my consultant in a couple of weeks so will tell him about this, and get him to give me something for my legs.

Hopefully though the antibotics will work in the meantime and take hotness and redness etc away.

Thank you again :)

webar4780 profile image

Your v welcome.

Though, a couple of weeks is time you could be hydrating skin too? Perhaps you could phone consultant secretary, ask her to ask consultant what he recommends?

Your consultant, if he prescribed antibiotics, is in charge of your care, and should be happy to oblige. Otherwise, your GP, as next point of call.

Since I have suffered sjogrens ?lupus, thyroid flare up, I have been amazed how difficult management is, in between appointments. My own experience, has been, I have flare up outside of appointments, usually outside GP appointment hours! Lol. So, the worst of times, many patients, are left really struggling.

I now take the lead, I make that phone call. Wether it be consultant Secretary, or GP telephone appointment slot. Rather safe, than sorry.

I had cellulitis. Horrible experience. I woke to lower legs looking like old cracked leather, I was horrified. One leg very swollen. Acting quickly, like yourself, I got antibiotics. I also got prescribed topical cream, to lather on. I use that cream/moisturiser twice a day, everyday since. My legs are smooth and silky again.

Cellulitis is best kept at bay.

Good luck. X

in reply to webar4780

Thank for that.

Yes I too struggle with help outside of hours. Also I find I get a conflict between my consultant and my GP. And the rhemu nurses do their best but I suspect they are caught between them as well. lol

I have cellutlitis in both legs and its awful, in fact I was turned away from my GP surgery at first, the damned receptionists who know better then the GPs (?). I then had to ring in and get a triage nurse who then booked me a GP appointment same day urgent care as she realised it was urgent.

I could not go through this weekend without treament. I have complained to the surgery about these receptionists.

Anyway I will ring the consultants secretary tomorrow and she what she can do in the meantime.

I have been diagonised this now for 4 years, and I have struggled by myself through it all, so its very very nice to get someone like you who will take the time to listen and provide help.

Thank you.:)

webar4780 profile image

You were right to push for appointment.

Cellulitis has to be taken seriously. Most people do respond very well to oral antibiotics. I did. However, I have administered IV antibiotics often to patients who did not seek help early enough.

There are so many people on this forum that help. I have sjogrens ?lupus. So, I do come on here. If ever I was definitely diagnosed lupus, I would be totally reassured that I would be getting excellent advice and support from others who have been diagnosed for many years. Everyone helps one another. Even at times, when we may want to vent about a nasty experience with health providers.

All been there. All understand.

Get well soon. X

in reply to webar4780

Thank you and take care too :)

Wendy39 profile image

Hello. I'm sorry to read about your cellulitis. I've never had it but know a family member who has. You've had great advice on that, so I won't say much, just keep on top of it, it can be very serious. As far as skin treatment are concerned, I've had terribly dry skin virtually all my life. I had eczema as a child, asthma, hay fever etc and then lupus diagnosed aged 39. My skin only seems to be bearable when my lupus is under control. I've been diagnosed 3.5 years now and on hydroxy, MMF and mepacrine. Skin is pretty good at the moment, but I still need to moisturise. I hate E45, seems to make my skin worse. In the past I've itched and itched and made myself bleed and then got infections. I use coconut oil when really dry. Slap plenty on my feet at bed time and wear soft socks to bed. Hands, rub in and put my white cotton gloves on for the night. The oil soaks in better than you would think. Or the Aveeno products. All good. But currently I am using the after shower mist spray, all over. It's not greasy and I can dress straight away, without it feeling like I'm still wet or too sticky to get dressed. I hope your antibiotics work really soon. Will you update us? Best wishes.

Wendy39 profile image
Wendy39 in reply to Wendy39

Should have explained, my hands, feet and legs are the worst. I have varicose veins and when I itch my legs they bleed. I have been diagnosed with venous eczema in the past.. I take an antihistamine each night to help stop the itching and it's drowsy, so helps me sleep before I itch myself raw in bed at night.

lupobob profile image

yes hello im bb bishop in seattle washington i have no real diagnosis of lupus but i am being treated as such. my sister has a very rare syndrome and she was just in hospital 5 days cellulitus in skn flods on back .......

i have blisters in the sun and a scratch can suddenly go into a nearby joint and go to town !

do you have the gene hlab27?

a red hair fair skined one with scots royaty ? then we are cousins my mom's madein name wallace supposedly william wallace of craigie !

here is my secret weapon , its is a herb tincture call dit da jaow or iron palm wine it heals very fast do not appy to open wounds as it can enhance bleeding ..so no blood thinners! it goes on with alcohol so it anti septis I would have no finger or toes! go to wingchun kung fu school or

herbal doctor and ask for 7 photo brand made by shaolin monks and rick simpson oil (cbd) for real bad abcesses

lupobob profile image

yes to problems are all here! and stay out of the direct sun! also get the right cream for your skin, if you are allergic to lanolin as i am it can make the problem worse ! i have ammonium lactate to put on open skin and it stings ! but it works ! a warm bath with a capfull of hydrogen peroxide can take some of the dead skin off but be careful!

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