Hi. This is my first post here. I've a low WBC of 3.3 and neutrophils count of 1.23. My doctor has ordered another CBC in 2 weeks time. Anyone has had this before and the numbers went back to normal after 2 weeks? I'm worried. Thanks for reading.
Low neutrophils count: Hi. This is my first post... - LUPUS UK
Low neutrophils count

Yes and no! Mine are always lower than that and they never improve. Your doctor is repeating the test, I would think, to ensure they don't continue to fall. Try not to worry, your doctor is keeping an eye on things x
Thank you for replying. Did you experience any symptoms or life goes on as usual? I'm trying not to worry but it's hard especially when you know your CBC is out of the norm. 🙁
I'm guessing you're in the USA? I have no symptoms with my chronic leucopenia. My neutrophils and lymphocytes are always too low for my GP's comfort and tend to reflect how badly I have been flaring. I don't get infections and would boast that actually my immune system is better than most. Are you on DMARDS? Xx
I'm currently on low dose prednisone and plaquenil. My SLE is stable. All other bloodworks are within normal ranges except low WBC and neutrophils. The last time I had such low neutrophils count was in 2014. Doc said possibly I had a recent viral infection that attributed to the low numbers and ordered another CBC in 2 weeks time. Keeping my fingers crossed. 🤞🏻
I'm from Singapore btw.

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Hi I always have a low white count across the board and this was before I went on immune suppressants. On occasions I have infections but I tried to keep ahead of it. Try not worry.