When I sleep 10 hrs, I'm still very tired, is that a symptom of lupus? I have a lot more other lupus symptoms too!
Lupus fatigue : When I sleep 10 hrs, I'm still very... - LUPUS UK
Lupus fatigue

Yes it most definitely is! Chronic fatigue is one of the most common symptoms.
It is a symptom of most autoimmune disorders - not just lupus.
It never happened to me until very recently despite Hypothyroidism, RA and probably primary Sjögren's for many years. I've never been exactly hyperactive but the present fatigue is a bit mind blowing I must say. Apparently Sjögren's is the worst CTD for fatigue so my rheumy and endo both explained. And unfortunately it's the least researched and understood of all the connective tissue diseases and there are no targeted treatments yet either. The dryness is causing me to choke during the night and eyes often pitifully dry despite drops - plus hallmark small fibre neuropathy usually worsens at night so wondering if this is why the fatigue is so bad for many with SS .. or at least for me.

Hi twitchy toes i didnt know tge dry throat wad anything to do with lupus?
I find mine is worse in bed soon as i lay down its like my throat just sticks together. When i wake up during night and first thing in morning my throat feels like when you see a river bed all parched and cracked up. I wake up coughing. If nit that then my body seems to think i need to wake up just to turn over only to go back to sleep
I could never get enough rest with lupus. Not easy having lupus and being a mom of a 7 yr old Autistic child. As soon as i put my son on his 🏫 🚌 I rush back in my bed. Sleep is the best time of my day.
Yes it is. The fatigue is unbelievable. Sleeping doesn't do anything. I feel more tired getting up of a morning than going to bed. It's very hard coping with the fatigue. Everyday is a challenge.
This may seem very blunt, but you are posting individual symptoms each day. Have you spoken to you GP and has he tested you. Your symptoms may been auto immune or part of many conditions. I would advise raising your fears with a health professional.

Ok my mom's a nurse too so she takes care of me
You have posted something like 21 posts in 4 days. I am quite concerned but you still haven't given us much information about what is going on with your health. Have you seen a doctor? Have you got a diagnosis? Have you had any tests? Are you on any medication? Your mum may be a nurse but you still need medical advice from a doctor re your symptoms. Auto immune conditions are complicated and some overlap. The average time scale for a lupus diagnosis is 7 years. It can attack your internal organs, unbeknown to you, so it is extremely important that you are monitored by the correct professionals. Please let us know what stage you are at, so that we can give you more specific advice on how to proceed. We want to help.

Hi Jensen_Lynne,
Have you spoke to your doctor about this?
Extreme fatigue is one of the most common symptoms associated with lupus which is discussed in our factsheet ‘LUPUS: The Symptoms and Diagnosis‘: lupusuk.org.uk/wp-content/u... .
If you match several symptoms that are mentioned in our factsheet (link above) you can ask your GP to be tested for lupus. Your doctor may initially do an antinuclear antibody (ANA) test and if further testing is required, it is likely to be done by a rheumatologist. For more information on lupus, you may like to download or request our free information pack: lupusuk.org.uk/request-info...
Last year we posted a blog article on ‘Managing Fatigue’ which you may like to read here: lupusuk.org.uk/managing-fat...
Wishing you the best of luck, let us know how you get on.