Hi everyone. Is anyone here under rheumatology at St George's in Tooting and can you recommend a rheumatologist from the team?
Thank you in advance.
Hi everyone. Is anyone here under rheumatology at St George's in Tooting and can you recommend a rheumatologist from the team?
Thank you in advance.
Yes I'm under prof D'Cruz. Although I have only seen him once out of about 4 appointments everyone has been helpful. I saw prof D for my first appointment and he was very thorough.
Dr Arvind Kaul is the head of lupus care at St Georges and is a very lovely man.
Prof D'Cruz doesn't work at st georges, he works at the London. He is a leader in the field if you wanted to see him but at st georges, Dr Kaul is the best as Paul said. He works with Prof D' Cruz at the London privately and also with Prof Hughes who discovered hughes syndrome. (Antiphosphalipid disorder)
These 3 men lead the way as far as I am concerned and all work on current Lupus research and have done various invaluable studies while running the Lupus unit at st thomas' hospital.
If you are under st georges then you couldn't ask for better than Dr Kaul. He is my consultant and I consider myself very lucky to have him.