Hi all, just thought I should let you all know what happened if anyone is having similar symptoms. So I've been having intermittent chest pain for a while now and hasn't been getting any better, I had it at my last Rhuemy appointment in Dec but she said that she'd send me for CT scans and chest X-ray to rule out anything serious.
Yesterday morning my pain got much much worse felt like a crushing pain in the centre of my chest, I called my GP to ask for advice but they were so busy I put on a waiting list for the afternoon. Eventually it got so painful that It was interrupting my breathing so I went to A&E (which I hate doing!).
I was in for around 8 hours in total I had an ECG which was normal and was initially given some gaviscon and told it was gastritis which I didn't agree with as the symptoms didn't seem to match up, then I was told it was a reaction to the dye I had been given in my CT scan which was done the day before.
They put a cannula in and gave me two injections of a stomach lining medicine which made no difference at all. Pain was still awful at this point. As the stomach liner and gaviscon made no difference they determined that it wasn't stomach related.
They took some bloods and gave me some co-codomol which didn't seem to help either and then sent me for a chest X-ray again. Funnily enough I had the same radiographer I had yesterday he wasn't impressed to see me back so soon lol
Chest X-ray came back normal as did the bloods, except for high levels of inflammation, thank god for my Rhuemys notes on the system or I'm sure they would have dismissed me as a hypochondriac, it's the first time I've felt that I've been taken seriously since having a semi diagnosis!
The dr explained that she was concerned it could have been a clot due to my antipholosiphid antibodies but thankfully that wasn't the case as CT results were normal.
I was sent away with co-codomol a bit concerned that it won't just go away with some medicine and I hate taking painkillers I feel like I'm just covering up instead of addressing the cause of the problem, however
The Dr I had was lovely she was so thorough which was fab and assured me that if I had any more pains I could come straight back in and she also mentioned that I was seeing Rhuemy next in Feb and the MRI I had coming up, and that Rhuemy should be able to help me if I needed it.
Got to say as well, GP called me around 3:30pm and when I explained I was in hospital and apologised for forgetting to cancel they were so lovely and understanding even urging me to let them know asap if I needed any follow up at all.
I honestly feel blessed for having a Rhuemy because It seems that since I've been given the label of "Connective tissue disease" I've stopped being told I'm a hypochondriac (by Drs at least not my family but that's another story...)
So sorry I've rambled on for so long, has anyone else experienced this inflammation of the heart/chest/lungs?