Patches for pain relief: Hi, I am suffering with... - LUPUS UK


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Patches for pain relief

Sara_A profile image
28 Replies

Hi, I am suffering with pain in my hands and wrists (I have lupus and aps). I am unable to tolerate NSAIDs and take tramadol with minimal affect.

I am seeing my gp in a couple of days and was going to ask him about bupronorphine patches. Does anyone have any experience with these for joint pain also do they make u feel drowsy?

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Sara_A profile image
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28 Replies
Lupiknits profile image

My GP cautiously tried me on the patch with the smallest dose, and when that didn't give nasty side effects, I gradually went up in dose. For me, they help, a lot. It's now rare that I need anything like co-codamol to top them up.

I didn't notice any drowsiness, but we're all so different ....

Sara_A profile image
Sara_A in reply to Lupiknits

I'm finding that I need tramadol daily at the moment and it doesn't do a great deal to be honest. I need to find something that won't knock me out as I have 2 very young children! But struggling to pick them up so its a difficult one really. That sounds good they really helped u, I do seem to have quite a good tolerance for most meds so fingers crossed they will be ok!

diane46 profile image

I have the patches they don't have much effective I am on 10 ml with options to go to 15 they can make your skin soar under them to

Lupiknits profile image

It's true that your skin can get itchy and sore underneath them. I found that particularly so in warm weather. I' d give then a wee trial to see., Sara. On my first trial my GP just told me that if I felt anything unusual, to take the patch off. A long time ago I was given tramadol that did nothing at all but make me sleepy. Amazing how differently our bodies react.

misty14 profile image

Hi Sara

I take the Bupenorphine patch for nerve pain. Started on the lowest dose and didn't get side effects. It was increased to 10 mcg's from 5 and I get better relief with just a little drowsiness at night which helps sleeping. You change them weekly and put them on a different patch of skin each time to minimise irritation. Well worth a try, hope your GP agrees. May also be your lupus treatment needs adjusting. Let us know how you get on. X

Sara_A profile image
Sara_A in reply to misty14

I'm already on hydroxychloroquine, Pred and started on azathioprine in July ( tho just on that twice daily) maybe I could go up to 3 daily. I see rheum again in 2 wks. So maybe that's an option??

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to Sara_A

Hi Sara

What dose pred are you on?. Would be a good idea to ask if Aza dose could be increased. If not maybe your steroid dose could go up for a short time to improve it. Good luck for seeing your GP and Consultant. Hope it goes well. X

Sara_A profile image
Sara_A in reply to misty14

I'm back down to 5mg Pred daily I usually go up to 15mg for a flare but was on that for about 5 months with little improvement so then started azathioprine and reduced steroid back down. Have been on 5mg maintenance dose for about 8-10 yrs. will see what gp says tho he won't touch my azathioprine wants cons to do it! If he can sort pain relief for next 2 wks til my app that will help.

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to Sara_A

Hi Sara

You've done so well reducing the steroids and been on 5 mg maintenance dose for such a long time!. You must have been gutted to go up to 15mg. Hope you took calcium as months being on 15mg was too long for your bones!. Will be interesting what your GP comes up with to help you thru till your Consultant appt. there is the thought that if the steroids or Aza don't help the pain then it's not inflammatory and you could have Fibro which is treated with painkillers. I look forward to hearing how you get on today. X

Sara_A profile image
Sara_A in reply to misty14

Yes I was on 5mg along with hydroxychloroquine which worked really well. Then came off that to have my son now 3yrs old then had my daughter now 7 months old, back on hydroxychloroquine which just wasn't doing it this time. All my bloods shows lupus and antiphospholipid so who knows!!

I take calcium/vit d 3x a wk have had dexa scans all ok so far X

Sara_A profile image
Sara_A in reply to misty14

So... Very odd cons with gp today!

I think he had lost the plot, he looked at my wrist and said 'I think we need to get u to see rheumatologist' and in the meantime will give u some steroids!! I am already doing both!! Which I pointed out, I have seen this gp a million times before, and I know they don't remember every patients history etc this was just odd!

He sent me off to increase my steroids so I left a bit bewildered with no pain relief! ( I did mention about trying patches as I am in pain all the time)

Sorry long story short rang back and he's prescribed oral morphine!? Bit of an overkill and not really what I was thinking but collected it and bit unsure if to take it??! X

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to Sara_A

Hi Sara

I should think he was having a very bad day. Upping the steroids for a short time can work well. Did he say what dose?. Alternatively the oral morphine will get u thru till your Rheumy appt. I've used it at a very low dose 2.5ml or 5mg without problems. It might make you feel sick and cause constipation and make you drowsy. Don't we have to balance benefit versus side effects. I don't find morphine very effective for joint pain but you could be different. Best of luck with it and your Rheumy appt . You've got your hands full with such young kids!. X

Sara_A profile image
Sara_A in reply to misty14

Yes it's especially hard when it's your hands and wrists picking them up etc is very difficult. He said to go up to 15mg Pred and see. I tried 2.5mla of morphine last night don't think it was quite enough so will try a bit more. Can't take pain relief in day as I have the kids so have to wait til my partner is home! Which isn't great but can't risk taking it x

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to Sara_A

Hi Sara

Might be better to up the steroids as they don't cause drowsiness!. Hope you find relief. X

Sara_A profile image
Sara_A in reply to misty14

Yes I've increased to 15mg so hopefully that will do it. Just get so fed up of being in pain, it's somewhere different most days! Hands, back, neck etc etc!! 😕😕

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to Sara_A

Hi Sara

Fingers crossed for you and it gets you thru. Being in pain is no fun at all as I know only too well. X

Sara_A profile image
Sara_A in reply to misty14

It feels like u have been beaten up with a baseball bat all over! X

Jean52 profile image

Hi. I use butrans patches, I have two a week, being 20mg each and change them weekly. I do suffer with fatigue but don't put it down to my patches but the SLE lupus itself among other conditions I've got. I have a great deal of joint pains, and I'm sure if I stopped using the patches it would be much worse. But as you know, everyone is different, and what suits you, might not suit me etc. But I would definitely give them a go and see how you get on.

Good luck and keep well xx


helentad profile image

Hi Sara, I have been on patches for 6 years and don't get any side effects. I started on 5mg and now on 20mg, I find I don't get that more pain period when my next tablet dose is due as its constant. To stop your skin getting sore move the patches around. I plotted 6 squares at the top of my arm and moved them each week then after that 6 weeks went onto the other arm and did the same thing. I still take painkillers but find the patch really helps. Hope you get sorted.

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to helentad

Hi helentad

Could I just ask what other painkillers do you take with the patches?. Your on a higher dose than me and I still get pain. Many thanks X

helentad profile image
helentad in reply to misty14

Hi. I'm on tramadol with paracetamol then amitrytaline with a 20mg patch. I also have etodolac/etopan which is a non steroidal anti inflamitory. pregabalin is the other one which I take one in am one last thing at night.

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to helentad

Hi helentad

Your on a lot of pain relief, you must get a lot of pain. I use the 10mg patches, amitriptyline at 50mg, an anti inflammatory and gabapentin so similar to you. I'm still in pain but learn't that paracetamol was good with morphine, helps it be more effective!. I've had to stop it and codeine since going on the patches!. I'm waiting for injections now.

Hope your drugs help you.

I'm a Helen too, great name isn't it?.x

helentad profile image
helentad in reply to misty14

Hi. I'm on a lot more than normal at moment as I'm waiting for surgery on my spine (in 3 weeks) so hopefully I will be able to drop down afterwards.

Yes Helen is a great name don't meet many.

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to helentad

Hi Helen

Best of luck for your spine surgery, hope it brings you much needed relief!. We're having our interventions at about the same time so I hope we bring each other luck. No, certainly don't meet many Helen's. It's a nice classic name!. X

helentad profile image
helentad in reply to helentad

Many thanks. Hope your intervention helps you as well. I hoping for any improvement as that's better I am now

helentad profile image

Also with tramadol take paracetamol at the same time as it helps it work. Don't know how but I noticed a difference when pain clinic told me to do that.

Curly1430 profile image

Hi ask for lydicane patches they are good and no side effects

Sara_A profile image

Thanks everyone for ur responses really helpful, I am seeing dr tomorrow so fingers crossed! Have tried nefopam again today but still not easing hand and wrist pain so think gonna have to try patches

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