Some lady I know asked me if I had fell over . She was referring to my face . My lupus face has gotten extreme red over the pass week. It's making me feel sorta self conscious . I feel like people are staring at me 😢
Stupid face : Some lady I know asked me if I had... - LUPUS UK
Stupid face

Do you use make-up LouLamb? You can get concealing make-up, for example, redness is often best camouflaged with green tinted makeup.
These threads on another forum might be interesting:
and of course, closer to home,
a topic of the month from 4 years ago!
I'm sure the lady thought she was being kind by showing concern - I know that possibly doesn't help you but it isn't always the way we see it. There are rude people - but most aren't.
I don't wear make up
Then maybe it's time to start using just a tiny bit - doesn't have to be the amount my daughter and granddaughter use - they use more in a day than lots of people use in a week! But they do it to make them feel better about themselves. Nat has had quite bad forehead creases since her teens, Nome is on permanent high dose steroids with a lot of weight gain. Using makeup gives them a major boost and stops people looking and asking questions like your "Have you fallen over?"
And as smudge has said - it could be the lighting at work and if so you do need to start using high factor sunscreen. Which really isn't much different to using foundation.
Hi... I understand what you feel, but I think this lady is just trying to express concern for you.
I started using sunscreen SPF 50 daily (rheumy orders), and I found some with tint/makeup so it looks like foundation. I look less red but even if you use one that leaves white residue, your skin needs protection from sun daily. I hope this helps you.
Loulamb, she was probably struck by the new confident you, with your new job and all!
If you feel odd about it, do follow guru PRMpro's links and try makeup. I use the green base often under skin toned cover up. Sounds yuck but it really works.
Dont be put off by one persons concern. Look into your options, hold your head high and strut your stuff! I bet the children only see your lovely smiling face every day!
Best wishes
So what if they are!! Wear your Lupus face with pride. If you look on Lupus UK's website I'm sure you'll find some tips for covering it up if you really want to.
Hi Lou lamb, I have just found a product that I've just started using that helps calm the face. It's called, Aveeno ultra calming foaming cleanser. It's a soap free cleanser that helps calm irritated, sensitive skin. Once used I pat face dry & use 50+sun protection followed by a green tinted primer followed by a foundation cream,( primer & foundation by No 7). Bit of a faff, but it's part of my daily routine now & gives me more confidence. The cleanser I bought from Amazon. Don't let this comment knock your confidence, your doing amazingly well
Just had a thought Loulamb, I wonder if you been under florescent lighting is causing your face to reddened due to sensitivity to uv. If so, using 50+ sun protection really is a must & cld help towards calming your face down. You'd need to apply it few times a day.
Not uncommon with lupus. You may want to journal your diet, activities, temperatures, etc to see how it progresses/resolves.
My face is red all the time and beet red when I am in the sun or during a flair. No one has ever made a rude comment, just comments of concern. When I have to go out or chose to go out, I smile at everyone I see and most smile back. If not, I see it as their problem. Hold your head high, there are worse things in the world than a red face. I used to blush a lot because I was shy. You sound scared of what others think of you. Keep your chin up. I am nervous about how terrible I walk from the stiff knees and pain, but I take a pain pill and I can walk better. Listen to the advise about protecting your skin and the green make up. I have to get some of that myself so appreciate your post.
U can use make up for lupus or as I've learnt u can just lie and say yes I've fallen over or say no I have a terminal syndrome that shuts them up. I have had lupus for 15 years n don't wear much make up I just either ignore or say yes fell over. Sometimes it's fun to just make it up. Also if it's getting worse ur dr can prescribe u with steroids too. Even though it's nearly winter wear sun cream all year round and after sun for bed. Our skin is so sensitive