2nd pic to go with my post : This is to go with my... - LUPUS UK


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2nd pic to go with my post

5 Replies

This is to go with my last post about first rheumy appointment , as can only load one pic at a time. This is the second page of what I've written to take

5 Replies
Footygirl profile image

Hi Rach Welcome

What a good instinct to note everything down. Well done.

With love, I respond.

It is always so stressful going to these appointments and I have benefitted so much from reading these posts over the years. May I condense down my advice?

Bear with me. I know how hard you have worked to compile your two pages but showing most Consultants two sheets of A4 will likely result in the knee jerk reaction of deaf ears. Sorry. Dont worry tonight, but tomorrow, see if you can condense it down to headings. Like: symptom, date, frequency, how it feels and where, any photos of rashes etc.

Next. Ok?

Believe me I know how anxious you are to get over everything you feel and suffer and how much. But dont let that eargerness put you on the wrong foot with your first impression.

If I had to suggest one thing? Take someone in with you. Mate, mum, auntie. It concentrates the mind of the doctor and if it is all coming at you thick and fast, someone who knows you may suggest that the doc could explain that point more, or remind you of something important you have forgotten to say.

Be prepared to go in smiling and confident. Let them set out their stall. Are they sympathetic, nice, a great describer, clear in their opinion, or course of action proposed. Having condensed your list to headings of concern, what has he/she covered? Or not? You could have ticked the headings as they talked. I would also ask if you can record the appointment on your phone. Nine out of ten will agree if they are worth their salt because they know in twenty minutes time your head will be melted cheese! We've all been there😂😂. You will be amazed about how little you clearly recall! 😂😂

So you have your safety nets and with luck you will have a positive experience, confidence in your doc and will come away happy that your concerns were heard and dealt with. What a result!

Sleep well. Check back for further replies and try to take on board these tips which have been learned over many years of experience related on here.

Whatever the outcome, let us know how you go on, to help others yet to post. Whatever the outcome you will receive unending support and advice on next steps, our take on the quality of what you heard and hugs and best wishes from all us on here. Remember. We know. We understand every little aspect of your journey. Take advantage of our tips if you want to shortcut all the years of trial and error we longer sufferers have gone through so you can hit the ground running.

I hope I havent upset you or made you feel that I am minimising your worry and concerns. I truly do not. Been there, tee shirt, dvd, etc etc.

Have a rest. Take stock, try not to stress and see if you can manage some of our tips. Talk it over with someone you trust maybe. I promise, you will listen better and present yourself with intelligence and clarity which should be a very positive impression to give. You can do no more.

More responses will follow I have no doubt because we care here.

Best wishes




in reply to Footygirl

Thankyou so much. I'll look at it and revise it tonight after work. I'm taking my husband into the appointment with me. I just wish it was today as I hate all the waiting 😊

Footygirl profile image
Footygirl in reply to

I completely understand. Waiting is part of the fustration of this thing! Waiting for appointments, tests, results. well done that man for going with you. Not one person knows you so well. Also, sadly, the fact that he is male will add gravity to your words, pathetic as that is in this day and age, but I have found it so sometimes. ANY advantage you can use.

Seriously, hubby, your understanding by supporting your lovely wife is immense. Most of us for various reason soldier on unsupported but the difference made by your learning about this rubbish disease, along with your girl, plus being a witness of how things have changed with her, what she used to be able to do, how very much she is suffering is very important and can not be ignored.

I hope that does not sound patronising because its not. I am seriously impressed! Oh that all partners were equal.

I am also impressed Rach by how you have taken on board all my scribble, in your stride and are planning your next move. Brava. At this rate you will knock the doc for six! Go get em!

Good luck Rach, do try not to stress too much cos things go awry if you do, though you have a strong arm to support and guide you too. Lucky girl.

Please let me know how you get on. If your experience is good. Great, still tell us, tell us what worked. If you are disappointed, again, post, we will read it, all our many years heads, and give you our best support and help if you want it, as you go forward. What time on Friday? I will be sending positive vibes to you both

You are both so welcome, to post anytime, for any question you may have



in reply to Footygirl

9am on Friday x

Well it's official, I have lupus. She looked at my history and my brain scan ( taken due to headaches at beginning of year ).

Had a steroid injection in my butt cheek (ouch), and got prescribed hydroxychloroquine sulphate tablets, but I can't start taking those til eye consultant sees me in October and gives the go ahead.

How do u feel ? I'm unsure, feel a bit numb and overwhelmed. But at least now I don't feel like a fraud or a hypochondriac.

Thanks for your support xx

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