Does anyone else have this problem ?
I have recently been diagnosed but I have funny f... - LUPUS UK
I have recently been diagnosed but I have funny fingernails they peel in an arch at the base of my nail does anyone else have this ?

I was told it was low calcium. Since taking supplements it has got better.
I have odd nails, too, but dare I say it, only some of them. I had one bad one and was talking to a pharmacist and she said it is odd because all your other nails look very healthy. Then 3 others started the same problem. My GP said he thinks it is a fungal infection and suggested tea tree oil. I am using that and it does seem to be helping, but he said it can take a long time to right.
Hi Kate;
Yes I have this same issue but, it is worse than your photo. It is odd because, it is only on 3 of my fingers on my left hand and it is only on 1 finger on the right hand? I have been told it is not a fungal issue. My lupus doctor told me it is more than likely due to a lupus issue?
My fingers have been this way for 3 + years. So I can not give you any info on how to cure it as, I have not found one myself.
Wishing you a great weekend!
I've been told it's not. A fungal issue too, I've got it on 3 on left hand and 2 on right also randomly had it for about 3 years how odd!!!

I've said it before many times and will probably say it many more.
👣Lupus effects us all in different ways but, yet effects us all in the same way. That doesn't make sence but, then neither does lupus!👣