Hello my name is Karissa,
I was diagnosed with Lupus at 14 years old with stage 4 S.L.E Lupus Nephritis also along with failing Lungs and an inflamed gallbladder. That was 4 years ago and my Rheumatologist told me I would never be able to live a normal lifestyle again.
I don't listen to what the doctors have to tell me...none of it makes sense to me anyways it's a bunch of mumbo jumbo😂 just kidding... I do listen when it comes to taking my cell-cept and plaquenil and Enalapryl everyday and night. But when doctors tell me the best way to live my life is to stay inside from the sun, lay in bed and it to take it easy...I don't listen. Why?
That's not living. When I went into the hospital January 17, 2013 the doctor told me I was going to need a kidney transplant. Okay whatever.(whenever the doctor told me something negative that was happening inside my body I didn't believe it because I was stubborn) my mom was heartbroken but I would constantly tell my mom in the hospital. I have to go for a walk mom, we have to walk mom, let's walk. I kept repeating it to her (it wasn't walking it was more shuffling due to me loosing so much weight and only 70 pounds at 14 years old.)
The very next day I started getting better... the grace of God answered my prayers and healed my kidneys and my repaired my body.
I'm 18 years old now...I'm a full time CNA at a nursing home. I still have my days and whatever I gotta stay outta the sun this and that with Lupus. I don't let Lupus control me I rebel the Rhemys and do what I believe what makes me comfortable and happy.
Never let Lupus control you.