Hi, just wondering how people get on with kenalog injections? I was given one before xmas. Found not a great deal of difference from it, I have reduced my tramodol intake though. It did seem Up set my bowels, bad constipation to start with. How long should it last too? Was given 80mg
Rheumy appoint reckons I should have ? Any one have this?? Or was I just expecting better?? ?? I Struggle with chest pain the most... (Have fatigue, sore joints, stiffness, photosensitive, hair loss, mouth and nose sores, headache and migraines, brain fog, skin problems,etc) Rheumy put down as no effect but suppose less pain killers is progress?? Dont think I really mentioned the less painkillers .
Rheumy reckons my bloods show more sjogens than lupus but I can't find anything about bloods that confirms this? I have positive ana, and positive ro60 abs? Anti ro.. ESR/CRP normal at mo..
I met critiria for lupus on my diagnosis, so feeling a bit in limbo again. Anyone had this or should I ignor as a bad appoint ?
I'm Trying off my hydroxy (rheumy knows ) at mo to check the benefits of it.. (Just feel I have deteriorated since I started it last year) since I've stopped, so farHeadaches/ migraine worse and the fatigue, and aches, so feeling does have its benefits, been off 2weeks, trying up to 6-8 weeks, or can go back on when want.
Also been given gabapentin after tried this to try, got a script ready...