Feeling brave and decided to take the plunge and post.
I've been reading and following boards and feel a bit of a fraud. I don't have a formal diagnosis but have all the markers for lupus and feel that's most likely why I have been feeling so ill for a few years. For the past 3 years I've been back and fore to the GP as I've been having probs with bruises, headaches, joint pain and swelling, dizziness, awful itching, fatigue, insomnia and a painful/sore rash on my face.
Having read everyone else's experience I realise I'm doing ok. I'm able to work but that's at the detriment of everything else. I spend my weekends zombified on the sofa so that I can eventually drag myself out of bed for the work cycle again on Monday.
I've but on a ton of weight, despite eating less and I look bloody terrible. I've been for so many blood tests but always told their "normal", and I feel my GP's think is "in my head". Last year I was in Africa for three months so the malaria treatment did clear my face rash, but since coming back to the UK it's been back and more or less constantly there.
I just want my my life back.