I have been on 10mg steroid for a few months now. On the first of September I started to reduce this by 1mg every 4 weeks. So I am currently on 9mg. Would i already be noticing a difference (more muscle and general achiness) with this slight reduction?
Reduced steroid : I have been on 10mg steroid... - LUPUS UK
Reduced steroid

Hi Addrienne
Yes you can notice a difference in symptoms when reducing steroids by a mg at a time!. I'm pleased your doing it slowly, have you a target you must reach?. I'm doing a mg a fortnight and do find it hard , need to get below 10 mg. good luckX
I go back in Dec so should be around 7mg then. If I don't do well then I have to start methotrexate.
I reduced my steroids by half, the GP and Rheumy were not happy and I did feel worse, now off them as told to keep taking it and my hair was falling out, plus very puffy face and stomach. Then took Plaquenil which I was allergic to. Now on Methotrexate which makes me feel better but have terrible itchy skin, still get muscle ache but nothing like before I was on steroids.
I have found soon as I go below 7.5 mg of Red. Chronic Fatigue kicks in. Last time my Rhuemy gave me a schedule to reduce from 10mg to zero in 2.5mg intervals, reduction being every two weeks, I could not manage at all when it came to zero - put myself back on 10mg, then told Rhuemy!. Reducing again now, currently on 7.5mg and intend to reduce by only 1.5mg per month to see if I can get to zero. For what its worth, A senior consultant friend said our adrenal glands produce some 7.5mg of adrenaline type substances every day, when we are on steroids they produce virtually zilch.
That is right and that is why you will have problems if you go to fast. When I get to about 8 mg I just drop 1/2 every couple of days - your body needs time to adjust and pick up the slack. Like coming back from holiday and having to go back to work, the first couple of days are the hardest 😩!
Good luck!
Managed to get down to 4mg doing 1mg at time. Gastroenterologist said I have to stop there.