After posting here last week and having some truly remarkable support responses, I visited my rhumatologist. Right away she stated she had been considering my history/presentation and has come tothe conclusion I have Rhupus. I was still garbled with confused thoughts, headache and balance issues probably not one of the best days for me to see her. Upshot is, she's taking me off Methatrexate and putting me onvsomething stronger? Cant evenbremember the name of it and am awaiting a call from the rhum nurse to arrange it. As usual, taper down steroids once the new med is in my system. She is also giving me a pack of steroids for home to take right away when I know I am flaring. I have looked on the internet about Rhupus but not a lot there so would truly appreciate any info from this lovely community x
Rhupus anyone?: After posting here last week and... - LUPUS UK
Rhupus anyone?

Hi ,
I have SLE sjorgrens Raynards and vasculitis , but i recall one consultant mentioning I had Rhupus, but then no one has ever said anything else, I am aware i have a positive high rheumatoid factor of about 28 but i RF is not routinely tested , will be interested to see if anyone else has any info... take care wishing you healthy days
What is the difference between Lupus and Rhupus?
I think it is a combination of symptoms from both rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
I think this might be what I have too although officially mine is RA with Sjogrens, Raynauds and Hypothyroidism. I get very dizzy often and also had a positive rheumatoid factor of 27 for a year but then, after a few years on Methotrexate and Hydroxichloraquine it went down to borderline. But because I'm post menopausal/ post childbearing and my symptoms are worsening and I have a negative ANA my diagnosis remains RA despite the other connective tissue conditions causing more trouble than the RA.
I'm on Azathioprine having failed to tolerate three other RA drugs, including Methotrexate. Azathioprine is much more commonly used for Lupus, IBD and Vasculitis than RA these days so it will see how I get on with it. I generally feel more affinity with Lupus sufferers than RA sufferers in many ways despite my diagnosis of RA.
It will be interesting to know what drug you are to try next when you know. Good luck!