Guys does any one have the hope that we lupus sufferers can be cured or given a proper medication like diabetics
Hope of cure: Guys does any one have the hope that... - LUPUS UK
Hope of cure
While I live and breath there is always hope, otherwise what is left? 🌈
Well I'm hopeful; the medication I'm taken now works well, after all. For me, it's 'proper' medication! After all it took decades to figure out there were different types of diabetes, which ones need insulin, which ones don't, some diabetes is controlled well with insulin, some is only just under control and some people even insulin doesn't seem to help.
Finding a medication which will work for an individual takes a long time, especially when one has to run the gauntlet of skeptical doctors and consultants, crossed wires and a disease which has no smoking-gun test to prove one has it. But hope remains: 20 years ago, Multiple Sclerosis was considered a mental illness, believe it or not. It was 'all in the sufferers' heads'. The same was said about ME and fibromyalgia and there are still GPs and specialists who believe that, but it's being proven it isn't the case, and there are now active treatments for these diseases being tested and improved upon. So I'm sure progress will be made, but we need to be patient. The only assurances in science is that, generally, what we assume to be true eventually is either proven half-true or, sometimes, completely false. Every answer brings up more questions, but there's always someone out there willing to look for more answers.
Got a bit philosophical there, but there you are.
I was told by my specialists that there would be a cure within 5 tears and that was over a year ago! I'm not sure whether it is true or not but he seemed pretty confident about it at the time xxx
There are different treatments in development that might destroy specifically antibodies linked to Lupus. One approach is a vaccine and it is already in test (I think it is on phase 3 at the moment)
R u sure the vaccine thing is under FDA testing I heard about this thing and gone through it also but didn't know it's status
Hope there is a cure soon , because living like this is worse then the illness itself forgetting things In face forget to take pills let alone anything else totally and utterly fed up x and no one understands
I am very hopeful, but regret that it will probably not be in my lifetime.
In the states, it is said that cure depends on the amount of money spent on research to find "cause" and treatment and cure finally. I believe most of the research $$$ are being spent on new biologics to manage a disease with no known cause. There is some suspicion there is something faulty on one of the chromosomes? that makes us female. That said, less money is spent on lupus research than is spent on most other major disease groups. We must not be visible enough. Ebola was visible for a time and received major money. Perhaps, that means we need some kind of national lobby.
So do u say cure is found or not for lupus
I read my medical record in what is called My Chart. I did not see adrenal gland failure even listed. The adrenal gland failure was what set off the multitude of other symptoms. The research $$$ are being spent to find additional ways to manage symptoms. I have yet to hear of a study looking for causes of lupus. "What went wrong with the wiring that our bodies do this." Unless there is a study I haven't heard of, I do not feel the researchers are looking in the correct places. No cure. I wish there was. Some people do seem to get lucky, though, like Cann's H below. He was able to change lifestyle enough to manage diabetes without medication.
I don't think they will ever find something that works for everyone.
From the letters on here, we can see how different we all our, but keeping positive helps and I believe in my body and the healing power within.
It probably took a long time to get ill in the first place unless hereditary and it will probably take time to get well.
My husband ate junk food full of sugar for years and I told him he would get ill; now he has diabetes.
He has had to change his diet drastically if he doesn't want to take drugs and he is managing quite well.
This poses the question why did he mistreat his body so. I think we can all ask ourselves that queston.