i need some help this is my first time ever having lupus i had lyme disease sence i was little i need to know if this is connected
i have lyme disease and stage 3 of lupu... - LUPUS UK
i have lyme disease and stage 3 of lupus

Lupus is often Lyme.
What tests and treatments have you had done for Lyme?

Hi joygirl321,
Both Lyme disease and lupus often mimic other conditions. It's my understanding that Lyme disease can also trigger autoimmune diseases like lupus, but my understanding of Lyme disease is limited so you may want some more information from Lyme Disease Action - lymediseaseaction.org.uk/
If you would like more information about lupus, please send me a private message or email paul@lupusuk.org.uk with your name and address and I will put a pack in the post for you.
I would be very interested to hear answers to this. My daughter had lymes when she was 2. She is having joint problems and I asked her doctor is I had lupus, what are the chances my daughters would get. He said they didn't have to worry about it until their 40s. What a broad statement. These drs crack me up with their diagnoses. In the meantime, my daughter tore her meniscus in her knee, shoulder and arm pain, her jaw cracks...
I too would love to hear the answer to this.. especially since there is a history of Lyme disease in my family. Never linked the two at all and didn't know there were different stages of Lupus?? Oh dear, my ignorance is showing again
Hope you can get some answers...good luck...in the meantime, I just made an appt with my daughters pediatrician to discuss this lymes business. I was told it will always show positive in blood work even If treated, but is just read up link From Paul and found some interesting stuff there. Thanks Paul. You may have saved my daughter. Her behavior has changed drastically recently and this may be the reason why. Good luck Denden.
Hi, I don't know how much info you have found. I will share what I have. Lyme disease does mimic many other conditions. Because my daughter has lyme and is in the medical field, I have been educated about this condition. Now I'm am being tested for lupus. I have a concern because I also have other symptoms towards the lyme. The tests for the lyme should not be taken at the time antibiotics are being taken 2 weeks need to have passed. Then the test that is most accurate would be the Western Blot IgG, IgM. The kit can be ordered from Igenex. I hope you find this helpful. Lymedisease.org is a very helpful site for lyme and related conditions.
me too. I didn't know there are stages to lupus either! will watch this post with interest x